S.o.s Poptropica Walkthrough Full

Poptropica, a virtual world for kids to travel, play games, compete in head-to-head competition, and communicate safely. Kids can also read books, comics, and see movie clips while they play. For the first time ever, Poptropica Members can play a bonus quest after completing S.O.S. The ship may have sunk, but the adventure isn't over. It's up to you to descend to the ocean's darkest depths and stop a dangerous oil leak before it's too late! Plus, Members get a Member Gear Pack of costumes and special powers! Not a Member?

S.O.S. Island

When a whale-watching expedition strikes an iceberg, a pleasure cruise becomes a disaster scene. As the ship sinks deeper and deeper into the frigid waters of the North Atlantic, can you rescue everyone on board before it's too late?


Poptropica Walkthrough Survival 1

S.o.s poptropica walkthrough full movie

Poptropica Cheats for S.O.S. Island

Move left, and you will find everyone abandoning ship and getting into the lifeboats. One lady will clamber up and come talk to you. Now your mission is to rescue everyone on board the doomed ship! You can go to the area right of you to talk with the survivors. But right now, run left across the deck of the ship, to the entrance. Unfortunately it's blocked by an unmovable snowball. So walk right and get off the deck. Dive into the water and swim left, to the broken lifeboat. Climb to the top of the half on the left, and jump to the other boat from there. Jump onto the deck, then up to a higher level. Run right and push the snowball off the platform above. The entrance will be free! Drop down and enter.

S.o.s Poptropica Walkthrough Full Movie

Wow... what a wreck! Look around if you want, and then jump up and enter the Bridge. Run left, then jump right and keep going. Talk to the captain. He'll activate the emergency controls. Turn the knob, and rush back down. Run left through the hallway and open the door to cabin 6, the only one you are able to enter. Rescue the clueless passenger and deposit them on the survivor's area. She'll give you a Whale calling gadget. Take it and head back to the ship, which is taking on more water.
Whoa! The corridors are sinking! You'll spend more time swimming than walking for the rest of this island, which is okay, since there are plenty of air vents around the ship. Just look for bubbles coming out of pipes or holes, and your oxygen will be replenished. Now talk to the captain. He will inform you that the cruise director, Starbuck, is trapped in the Ballroom. Run downstairs and shove the now-weightless crate away from the Ballroom Entrance. Go inside.
Descend the stairs and swim right, grabbing the beer bottle at the bar on the way. At the far right, climb onto a chair and shoot the cap at the crack. It will open, rising the water level and depositing the director on the orange buoy. Get in the water and shove it left, to the next crack. Blow this one open and push her through the hole in the wall. The second passenger saved! But, uh-oh... the ship is overbalancing forward! Rush over there, and onto the big pile of snow. Jump to the ship, and use the open portholes and umbrellas to jump to the top of the ship. There, enter through the puncture hole in the hull.
Plummet down and swim to where there is a clickable pipe. It's near the right. Click on it and swim back up. Then, enter through a window (underwater.) You'll find yourself in the ballroom. Swim up without bumping into the jellyfish. Swim to the surface and jump your way to the top. Here, you'll find a valve that is spraying blue stuff. Click on the little yellow arrows to change their position. Make a path from the valve to the red thing a the top left of the room. Then turn on the valve. Whoa! The water will fill the cushion and drop a whole load of instruments down on you. Climb in through that hole, to the Boiler room.
Swim right and jump over the barrier. Keep swimming right, jumping over barriers and collecting bubbles for air. At the very right, jump up to the next platform.Jump right, then left, then right again, and up. Walk as left as you can go and jump left, on the narrow platform. Jump left again, and again. Then jump right and drop down to the platform below you to the right. Talk with the lady, and she will turn the valve. Follow it's path and turn the one on the other end. Do this for the other three valves, too. Some of them are easy; some harder. Finally, the steam will be off and you can get the lady off the ship. But first you'll have to convince her the ship has sunk too far and the captain ordered her off. She'll believe you, but later you'll have to tell her the truth. Now get back to the ship before it's all the way down!
Climb up and get in through the puncture hole. This time, it heads to the boiler room. Make your way down, avoiding the steam gaskets. You'll find yourself in the Ballroom. Run right and through the door. Swim up and climb the light fixtures to the galley door. Go inside. Drop down and enter the freezer. Run left and break open creates until you find the frozen cook before your body temperature gets too low. Push him out and into the galley. Now:
  1. Shove him right, and drop him down.
  2. Get behind him and shove left.
  3. Drop him once more and shove the crate under him left.
  4. Drop the crate and get behind the cook. Push him left.
  5. Push him right and drop him.
  6. Push the crate out from under him, off the platform.
  7. Go past him and shove it down the hole, you going with it.
  8. Jump right and shove the lettuce left.
  9. Get back behind him and push him down the hole.
  10. Shove him right and down, and then push him to the oven.
And now you've rescued everyone! Oh wait... the cook says the captain's still on board! Run over to the ship, which has flipped upside-down. This time it's fairly easy to get in. You'll find yourself in the boiler room. Swim all the way to the left of the room, avoiding the sharks. Yes, sharks. Go through, to the Ballroom. Make your way to the bottom of this, avoiding the water streams and jellyfish. Go left and swim up, and out through the vent. Now you are in the hallway. Swim right, and enter the second vent, leading to the Galley. Swim to the bottom and make your way left here, staying as close to the bottom as you can. Watch out for the weird squid-pots things and exit the galley at the very left. You are now in the Bridge.
Swim up and keep your eyes on the crab below you. When he is finished doing his dance, he will go to the right side and stay there for a while. Go down during this time and swim left. Talk to the captain. So the whale didn't do this damage! Hey, now you have an idea. Take out the pipe wrench and turn the dial on the whale song gadget to the white whale. Then turn it on. Whoa! The whale is ramming a hole in the ship! And then you are swallowed... A few minutes later, you are launched back to the surface. The captain says he owes you his life. As a reward, you receive his medallion! Finally, the quest is over! But if you are Member, then it's not over yet...

Members-only Oil Cleaning Expedition

Talk to the captain about the new job. He will give you the Underwater Hazmat Suit, so you can stay under for longer. It also comes with a vacuum tube and cementer. Your mission? Clean up oil spills from the Pequod. This is very easy, since everything in the ship is in the same position as when you last entered it. You have to find and clean up all oil leaks before your suit's air runs out. Click repeatedly on leaks to stop them. You'll notice them immediately because the area around it gets a lot murkier. All the rooms except the galley have two leaks in them, the galley has three. All you have to do is follow the same direction you used to locate the captain, and you will find all of them. Oh, and there are no hazards like squid, jellyfish, jets of water, sharks, living pots... Good luck!
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