Poptropica Arabian Nights 2

Dec 11, 2014 Hey everyone! We finally are getting a new island on Poptropica today and it will be Episode 2 of the Arabian Nights Island! If you remember, on the first episode, we had found out that thieves were stealing stuff from a small town including a precious lamp. Arabian Nights Guide. Special thanks to the PHB for this walkthrough. News coming directly from the Poptropica Creators’ Blog, sneak peeks, and much, much more.

Poptropica Arabian Nights Episode 1, called How Bazaar, has been released for paid members in Poptropica! Captain Crawfish from the Poptropica blog has created an “official” video walkthrough for episode 1, which you can watch right here:

Written Walkthrough for Arabian Nights

Run to the left and talk to the guy with the beard and green hat with a purple feather sticking in it. He’ll complain about the Sultan holed up in his castle while the people are terrorized by the 40 thieves.

Click on any of the merchants here and they’ll offer to trade … but you have nothing to trade. Let’s go find something valuable!

Head right to the next zone and you’ll find a guy in a red fez. Talk to him and he’ll tell you about the 40 Thieves, including an important clue about how they’ll steal anything that’s placed on the stone dias behind him.

Run right past the oasis and into the next zone.

You’ll see some signs that read DANGER and KEEP OUT!. Jump up onto the ledges above these signs and keep moving right and up.

When you get to the top, you’ll see an area of different-colored sand. When you walk over it, you’ll drop down into the cave entrance.

Walk right past the mine cart to enter the cavern.

Push the first crate on the right all the way over to the right side and then jump on it so that you can reach the ledge above.

Drop down and go to the right. Push the next crate off the ledge to the left.

Now push that same crate to the left again so that you can use it to reach the ledge above.

There’s another crate here to the left. Push it off the ledge and then push it left until it’s under the large broken wooden ladder.

Use the crate to jump up onto the ladder and then go up to the platform.

There’s another crate here. Push it off the ledge to the right. Then drop down and push it right some more so that you can use it to reach another ledge above you.

Jump up and walk to the right. You’ll see another patch of colored sand. Jump over this patch and then jump over the second patch behind it. You’ll see a skeleton with a red turban among some crystals. Click on the skeleton to retrieve some Salt.

Head back out the way you came to leave the cavern and return to town. Find the merchant with the blue and green turban and trade him Salt for Grain.

Head right to the merchant with the blue veil and trade her Grain for the Lamp.


Return to the first merchant and trade with him once more: Salt for Grain.

Go down to the merchant with the camel and trade him Grain for Cloth.

Go back up to the first merchant with the blue and green turban and trade him the Cloth for the Spy Glass.

Go to the right and climb to the top of the tower. Use the Spy Glass on the Tripod and you’ll be able to see the guy in the red fez next to the stone dias.

Jump off the tower and go to the right, up to the dias. Use your Salt to place it on top.

Return to the top of the tower and click on the Spy Glass to look through it again.

Click the view to move it up and to the left. You’ll see several thieves cloaked in black approach the dias. They’ll leave something behind.

Go back to the dias to retrieve the object: it’s a Smoke Bomb! Equip it.

Now head all the way left to the Sultan’s palace. Jump up onto the red ledges and stand above the guards. They’ll talk to each other for a while.

One of them will walk over to the other to show him something. When they’re standing together, press the space bar to throw the smoke bomb on top of them.

While they’re covered in smoke, drop down and enter the palace.

Speak with the Sultan. He’ll tell you that the Forty Thieves ransacked his palace and left him with nothing. He also tells you that the thieves stole a precious lamp and promises you a fabulous reward if you can retrieve it for him. He’ll give you his Crown Jewel to help you trade for something that will let you find the lamp.

Return to the merchants and trade with the merchant with the green and blue turban. Give him the Crown Jewel for his Ivory Camel statue.

Go down and trade with the merchant with the live camel. He’ll trade you the real camel for the Ivory one. He gives you a Camel Bridle.

Use the bridle and slowly walk the Camel to the right. Go to the stone dias and put the camel on it.

Return to the tower and peek through the Spy Glass once more.

You’ll see one of the thieves approach and try to take the camel. Eventually the camel follows him, revealing the secret hideout. It’s inside the oasis!

Go to the Oasis and by saying “Open Sesame” the entrace will open. You’ll get the island medallion for completing Episode One of Arabian Nights!

Poptropica Arabian Nights Background

Arabian Nights was the theme chosen by the winner of Poptropcia’s Create Your Dream Island contest. The contest was won by Sarah S. from South Carolina, otherwise known to Poptropicans as Magic Eagle.

If you’re not familiar with the story of the Arabian Nights, it’s a very popular collection of tales that date back to ancient times and are primarily West and South Asian folktales, compiled in Arabic sometime during the Islamic Golden Age, which lasted from the 8th through the 13th Century. The tales were originally known as One Thousand and One Nights, but were translated into English in the 18th Century with the title, Arabian Nights. The stories themselves are woven together by Scheherazade, the bride of the King. She is to be executed but manages to keep the King entertained by her stories, and so tells him stories for 1,001 nights. She is eventually pardoned by the King and her life is saved. I guess it’s a good thing to be long-winded!

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Behind the Scenes of Arabian Nights

Thanks to some great detective work by Nameless UnDEFiNed, there’s now a behind the scenes sneak peek of Arabian Nights Island. Check it out!

Arabian Nights Island

The winner of Poptropica's Create Your Dream Island contest comes to life! Journey to an ancient land of sultans, thieves, and a magical lamp with power beyond imagination.
This is the first episodal island to be released with a common room, and is the first Poptropican-submitted Island idea to be made into an island. Click here for the contest overview.

Full Video Walkthrough

Scroll down for the full written guide. The Arabian Nights video walkthrough is in multiple parts, one for each episode. Click the icons below to jump to each part, or click here for the full playlist on YouTube.

Written Guide

Episode 1: How Bazaar!

You land in one of the most bizarre settings in Poptropica - an Arabian bazaar! All is not well: these innocent traders are being ransacked by the Forty Thieves! We need to find their hideout.
Go all the way right, to the Desert area. Keep on running right through the dust storm and the oasis, until you reach the Cliffs. Stand by the sign, then climb straight up by jumping on the cliffs. Run right, making sure to jump over the quicksand patch (which is a lighter color than the rest of the desert). Don't mind if you hit the sharp skeleton. At the far right end, stand there until the quicksand sucks you down, the go right and enter the Cave.
Go left and drop down, to the bottom of the cave. Run all the way right. Climb up the ladder and go to the wooden crate, then push it left and off the platform. Follow it down and push it as far left as you can, until it hits a rock. Jump on it and then jump up to the platform above. Push the crate here all the way left until it falls off, then keep pushing it left, to the other ladder. Jump from the crate to the ladder and climb to the very top. Push the crate here off to the right and keep pushing it after it falls, then jump on top of it. Jump from there to the right. Now run to the right, jumping over the two patches of quicksand, and you'll reach a cavity full of twinkling salt crystals. Grab a bag from the hands of the skeleton there. No forty thieves here... exit the cave. Go all the way left, past the Desert, to the Bazaar where you started.
Time for trade! From the sign saying 'Great Bazaar,' climb the staircase to the left and click on the woman there. Click on your bag of salt to give here a salt crystal, and she'll offer you some cloth. Take it. Jump left to the blue-and-yellow platform, then walk all the way left to the stall with the red awning. Click on the trader, offer him the cloth, and he'll give you a telescope in return. That's just what we wanted! We're going to set a trap for the thieves.
Go right to the desert, click on the stone platform, and USE your salt. There it is, lying in plain sight. Go back to the Bazaar and ascend the windy blue staircase to the top of the tower. USE the telescope to put it on the stand, then click on it. You can see the desert from here! Pan around a little bit, and -- there's the thieves! They will throw smoke bombs, and leave one behind. Run out there to the desert and grab it. Equip it, then go left past the Bazaar, and to the Palace Grounds.
Careful, there are guards here! Walk left, then climb up the windowsills until you're on the one overlooking the right-hand guard. After a while, they'll start to gossip about something. Wait until one of them goes over to the other one, then throw your smoke bomb at both of them (press the SPACEBAR). Bam, they're blind, and you can waltz into the palace!
Looks like something bad happened here. The sultan has been robbed! Go left and talk to him. He'll give you the jewel from his crown, which you have to trade at the bazaar in order to find his stolen magic lamp. Oh, we'll trade it all right, but we have another agenda...
Go back to the Bazaar. Trade the Crown Jewel for the Ivory Camel at the top-left stall, then go to the bottom-right stall to trade the camel for a camel harness. USE the camel harness, and the trader's camel is yours! Run right. He's very reluctant to follow, though, so whenever he stops, move back a little bit and he'll continue following you. Go to the Desert and click on the platform. We're leaving the Forty Thieves a prize they cannot resist! Return to the telescope in the Bazaar and click on it.
Pan to the right of the platform. There's a thief! He has some trouble stealing your extremely badly-behaved camel, but manages to bribe him with a banana. He takes him right... says 'open sesame'... and WHAT THE-- a huge stone head will rise out of the oasis and admit the thief inside! Well, we're pretty sure that we've found the hideout. Run out to the desert, go to the oasis, say Open Sesame, and follow them in. And there, the episode ends on that supremely suspenseful note.

Episode 2: Lair of Thieves

You're now in the heavily guarded subterranean layer that separates the desert above from the Forty Thieves below. Make your way all the way down to the bottom (try to avoid the guards, but they're actually fairly harmless).
Now you'll witness the Master Thief force one of the prisoners to select a lamp from the table and place it on the altar. If it's the wrong lamp (a.k.a. not the sultan's magical lamp), then the poor prisoner will be annihilated -- which is exactly what happens.
You'll drop in at that moment, and be taken to a cell. The Vizier (sultan's adviser) is in the cell next to yours and will ask you to set him free; we'll do that later. For now, push the bed to the right, onto the brown block. Jump on it, then jump up repeatedly to bang on the ceiling a few times. It'll smash open, and you can jump up into the next cell. Push the heavy ball to the right. It'll snap off and take the right wall with it. Now you can go right and escape to the Treasure Keep.
Swim right and climb onto the big stone statue of a woman with a beak. To the left on the platform above is the treasure counter. When he turns his back and walks off the screen to the left, jump up and collect the white robe from the altar.
Now climb onto the altar and jump right. The skeleton will be there holding a vial of quicksilver (a.k.a. liquid mercury). Take it, then drop all the way down and go right, to the Sanctum.
Climb up the ramp, to the urn marked 'Oil'. Go to your inventory and USE the white robe. You'll dip it into the oil, and now you have a black robe! Wear it; you look like one of the thieves now. Run right and jump up the shelves to collect the bag of gunpowder. Now run all the way left, back to the Treasure Keep.
Jump onto the lamp table and then jump up and left, to get onto the wooden platform. It's hard to see, but you can go up by clicking the top part of the screen; now you're back in the place where you started. Make your way up the platforms to the third level, then go right and collect the bag of Borax.
You might be wondering what all these items are for. Go back down, then run all the way left to the Cells. Go all the way up, then all the way left. Descend down the steps to the left of the cells (make sure to collect the Viper Skin on the way) all the way down. Go right, and jump up twice; you're now next to the Vizier! (You can also follow the diagram below). Talk to him. He'll give you a recipe to create Magic Sand.
Jump up and go all the way right, to the Sanctum (where you found the gunpowder). Click on the crafting table. Place the ingredients on the table as specified by the recipe:
  • 2 Gunpowder
  • 3 Quicksilver
  • 1 Viper Skin
  • 2 Borax
(Order doesn't matter). Then click the pestle (the gray cylinder). Aaand now you have 'Magic Sand'! Magic sand is in the form of a bomb that, when thrown, turns brown platforms into quicksand for a few seconds. Very useful, except the Master Thief heard you and is going to blow you up for nosing around. Don't worry, you survive with only the loss of your thieves' garb. Now, to escape the room: equip Magic Sand and press the spacebar to throw it at the platform under where the table was. Drop down through the gap, then swim all the way left and go to the Cells.
We're not wearing the thieves' clothes anymore, so we need to be sneakier and use magic sand. Go all the way up to the top-right, then walk left until you see a brown platform. Throw the magic sand at it, then drop down through the gap. Go left again until you see another brown platform. Throw a sand bomb at it; the guard below will be knocked out and you can drop down and grab his key. Go right and drop down to where you see the 'Authorized Thieves Only' sign, then go straight left and drop down into your own cell. Throw the magic sand at the floor, and the bed will fall onto the thief below. Drop down, walk right until you see the ladder, and then jump up to the Vizier. Talk to him. Now you're both free!
Jump up and go right, to the Treasure Keep (don't worry if the Vizier gets stuck). The Vizier will sneak ahead of you; follow him. Looks like the treasure counter person is in the way. To distract him, jump up to the platform next to the gold piles. Without going too far to the right, throw the magic sand at the ground under the pile of money. The counter will leap down in pursuit of it, and now you can go past! Go right and talk to the Vizier, who's next to the lamp table.

Arabian Island Walkthrough

Once again, we need to find the lamp that is 'like no other.' You'll notice that all the lamps look shiny, spotless, and/or fancy, and each one has jewels -- except for one. Also, there are 2 copies of each lamp -- except for one. The lamp we're looking for is in the top right, hiding behind the olive-green one. This lamp is plain and even a little tarnished, and there are no copies of it; it must be the Sultan's lamp! Drag it to the Vizier.
Uh-oh, the thieves found us! The Vizier will buy you time by placing the wrong lamp on the altar -- at the expense of his life. Now you're back in the hideout entrance area, being chased by the big guard (we'll call him Brutus).
Run all the way right, climb up the rope, then run all the way left and climb up the rope there. Jump to the right, timing it so that you jump over the rolling barrel instead of hitting it. Go right and throw magic sand at the platform next to the other guard (make sure to avoid the barrels); he'll drop down when you get close enough.
Jump up to the sandy platform above him and jump left. Continue going left until you see another guard; throw magic sand at the platform next to him. Now jump up to the rope hanging above where he was, and go right. Throw a sand bomb at the ground under the barrel-throwing guard, then go right to the corner with the gunpowder barrels.
Wait for Brutus to catch up. When he stops, click on the barrels to roll one at him. It'll blow up in his face, and now you can run up the newly-created platform. Do that, go left, climb the rope, go right, and stand on the blue button. The elevator will roll down, and... AAH! You're surrounded!
Now you're back inside the Treasure Keep, with no one to save you this time. You tentatively place the lamp on the altar, and... you're released the magic of the lamp! We'll find out exactly what that is in the next episode, but until then, that purple ghost looks fairly ominous.

Episode 3: Careful What You Wish For

The genie is out! Now the world is your oyster... wait, nope, our old friend Brutus gets there before you and makes a foolish wish, destroying the cave and freeing the genie. Oops. Back on the topside, it's nighttime and you discover that the town's daily activities are being disrupted because everyone wants to find the genie and make a wish for themselves. Go a little right and you'll collect all that's left of the hideout, a Geode Rock. Now go left until you find a dejected Brutus, who longs for a chance to be a useful member of society despite his curse that everything he touches is pulverized. Give him the Geode Rock, and he'll turn it into Geode Crystals, which can be used like currency in the Bazaar. Now go all the way left to the Bazaar.
Wow, this place is like San Francisco during the Gold Rush -- everyone's trying to sell you something to fuel the genie fever! You don't need anything from here yet, so keep going left to the Palace Grounds. Ignore the guards and enter the palace. Go all the way left and talk to the Sultan. He'll run off in search of the genie, but leave you behind in the palace. Look -- one of the wall tiles is raised! Click on it. A secret passageway will open above the throne! Go through it.
This seems to be the Sultan's private storage room, full of priceless pieces of art and memories. Most importantly are the paintings, which depict the Sultan asking for and receiving money from the genie -- ooh, scandalous -- and a mysterious, sad-looking woman. Go right and up, then go through the doorway. This room looks like it belongs to a small girl -- and look, the Master Thief! She'll run off quickly, leaving behind a childish drawing of a girl and the Sultan. Hmm... anyway, leave the room, then go all the way to the top, and then go right to the library.

Poptropica Arabian Nights Part 2

Climb up the stairs until you get to the bookshelf. Click on it, then click on the book called How to Win Wishes and Influence Genies. You'll get a page from that book, giving instructions on how to catch a genie. Looks like we'll need a vessel of 'magical power,' moonlight, and the genie's true name. Then go to the top right and collect the large book on the bookstand -- The Big Book of Magic. It tells you how to make Divination Dust, Red Herring, Levitation Formula, and Fantastic Falafel (mmm... those Creators really like falafel).
Exit the palace and go right to the Bazaar. If you go to the very top, you'll see that the genie is hiding inside a barrel -- but how to get him out? We have to make the Divination Dust; the raw materials are the Moonstone, the Wishbone, and the Burlap Sack. Obtaining the materials will require some tricky trading. I can't find a way to do it in less than 6 steps, but if you can, please tell me in the comments and I'll put it up here.
  • Stall at bottom: pay crystal, get sesame oil
  • Stall at top left: give sesame oil, get sack
  • Stall at bottom again: give sack, get moonstone; then pay crystal, get sesame oil
  • Stall at top right: give sesame oil, get wishbone; then pay crystal, get sack.
Now go all the way right, into the Desert. Give the moonstone and the wishbone to Brutus, and he will pulverize them into moondust and bone meal respectively. We have all the raw materials; now go all the way left, into the library of the palace, and up the stairs to the crafting table. Click the moondust thrice, the bone meal twice, and the burlap sack once, then click the pestle to mix it all together into a throwable Divination Dust bomb! Equip it, then go back to the Bazaar and stand in front of the barrel where the genie is hiding (it's on the top platform). Press SPACEBAR to throw the dust at him. He'll come out, but then fly away to the left!

Poptropica Arabian Nights 2 Walkthrough

Run left, to the Palace Grounds. There's the genie, behind that lamp. Continue left until you see the guard and the camel who is apparently in love with him (hahaha). He'll start running back and forth, the camel following behind. When he stops, jump onto the camel's back and wait until he runs to the right side, under the lamp. Then face the lamp and throw the Divination Dust. The genie will come out again, but run away to the right. Run all the way right to the Desert. Talk to the first guy, with the turban and compass. The genie is hiding in his turban! Get close to him, then throw the dust at his head. The genie will come out, but then fly off into the sky. You also get his compass. Hmm... go left, back to the Bazaar.
Climb the telescope tower to the right, and give the compass to the ex-thief. He'll run off, giving you a Skeleton Key (a master key) and the telescope. If you look through the 'scope, all you'll see is the genie mockingly dancing at you in the night sky, which is less than useful. We need to make the Levitation Formula to get to the genie, then use the other instructions page to bind it. Go down and trade with the merchant at the bottom. Give him a crystal and he will give you sesame oil. Then go left to the Palace Grounds.
Use the skeleton key to unlock the squirming treasure chest to the right of the palace door. What the... it's the money counter from the second episode! He was turned into a treasure chest full of gold by a thoughtless wish. You can take an enchanted golden lamp, then continue into the palace. Go into the secret atrium, then go to the top left corner and use the skeleton key to unlock the door. It looks like some sort of plundered treasure room. Run right and collect the roc feather from the urn to the right. Then leave the room and go right to the library. Go up to the crafting table. Click the feather, click the moondust twice, and click the sesame oil three times. Then mix it all.
Yes! The levitation formula is ready! Oops! You drop it onto the carpet, turning it into a magical flying carpet. Well, it's better than being stuck with the power of flying forever. Before we bind the genie, there's one more thing we need to know: the genie's true name. Leave the library tower and go into the princess's room (the door in the right half of the atrium). Go to the diary and unlock it with the skeleton key. There's the genie's real name: Samhal! Now go out into the desert. Stand on the circular platform (or anywhere, really) and USE the magic carpet. Fly straight up and click on the genie. You'll try to call his name, but he'll run off to the left. Follow him to the Palace Atrium.
He'll fly to the right, and now here begins another mini-game. The genie has made three ghostly copies of himself, and all of them (plus himself) are hidden in various objects around the room. Click the green arrow to look at the room in the mirror. Unlike real life, when you're looking at objects the mirror, if they're inhabited by a genie, they'll periodically shake or wobble. When you see an object shake, click the green arrow again to go up and then click that object in real life to knock the genie out. Once you've knocked out three of the genie copies, click on the large painting of the sultan and the genie (that's where the real one is hiding). He'll come out, then run off again to the Lamp Room. Follow him.
There he is, completely exposed! You start the binding spell... but then the Master Thief dashes in and grabs the lamp! Before you or the Sultan can stop her, she has transferred the genie's powers to herself, and escapes the palace. Well, we're doing a lot of chasing genies today. Now you have to fly up on your magic carpet behind her, while she throws large objects down at you to knock you down. You can survive a certain number of indirect hits, but it should be easy to avoid them altogether because red puffs of smoke appear at the top of the screen at places where an object is going to fall. Finally, you'll reach her, but she'll destroy your carpet and you'll plummet to the ground.
But just before she steals your soul (???), the Sultan enters the scene and commands his daughter to stop. His... daughter is the Master Thief? Now he's about to ask for his riches returned to him, but can we stop him? USE the drawing of the sultan and Scheherazade (it's easier to pronounce than you'd think). He will finally realize that his greed has blinded his love for his daughter, and ask the genie return him to his simple, happy life. (Although messing with the past would probably be much more disastrous than any of the foolish wishes the townspeople made, and none of the characters would remember any of the events that happened since that point, but it's Poptropica). But just before then, you get to make a wish of your own; depending on which one you choose, you get a corresponding photo. (You can get all the photos by replaying the episode and choosing a different wish.) As a reward for your help, the Sultan (now a merchant) will award you a coin made of solid gold and 150 credits! That concludes the adventure of Arabian Nights Island.

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