Poptropica Zomberry Island

  1. Poptropica Zomberry Island How To Get Into The Train
  2. Poptropica Zomberry Island Glitch

Jan 15, 2013  Zomberry Island, the 32nd island in Poptropica, was released for free general use on January 10, 2013. Early Access and a demo version were available beginning at. Poptropica Cheats for Zomberry Island. Whoa, looks like nighttime. Walk left and talk to the woman by the movie theater, whose husband couldn't get out of the main.

Zomberry Island

Dec 05, 2012  The latest island from Poptropica has arrived and it’s a zombie apocalypse! Zomberry Island takes you into a world over-turned in chaos, over-run by mindless — and strangely blueish-purple – zombies, and desperate for a hero. That’s where YOU come in. Dodge the zombies, find a.

One by one, the citizens of Eastman are mutating into something horrible. Now, the city is quarantined, the survivors are trapped, and ghouls prowl the streets. No one knows how the zombie outbreak began... but how it ends is up to you!
Poptropica Zomberry Island

Before you Begin...

The story behind the island. Get it as a hi-res PDF on the Downloads page!

Poptropica Cheats for Zomberry Island

Whoa, looks like nighttime. Walk left and talk to the woman by the movie theater, whose husband couldn't get out of the main city before they closed the tunnel... what tunnel? Run left and talk to the cops standing next to the Fort Savini Tunnel, which has been blocked by a school bus and anything else they could find. The old guy, three days from retirement, gets you as his replacement for entering the tunnel. Uh-oh, it looks like this vacation is about to round a gruesome turn... Talk to the chief and he will tell you what to do, but first, he'll give you background: Dr. Romero was working on a cure for zombieness brought on by eating poisoned berries (as the introductory comics above show you), but they've lost touch with him. You have to enter the zombie quarantine zone and find Romero or his research, which is on his cellphone. He'll give you a notebook to keep track of clues which also has Romero's contact info on it, and a flashlight. What are you waiting for? Grab your flashlight and enter the city!
Oooh, dark. Turn on your flashlight by pressing the spacebar and walk left, keeping the light in front of you. Drop off the schoolbus and jump over the rotting bananas -- someone must have been in a hurry to leave -- and onto the truck. Hey, a zombie! It can't see you, though; neither can it hear you. If you shine a light on it, it'll stop and appear irritated; but your flashlight isn't powerful enough to really drive it away. Thankfully, the zombies aren't too bright... so you can just go up and jump over it. The only way a zombie knows you're there and starts to chase you is when you're directly in front of it and on the same platform as it, maybe just when the zombie has come into view from the side of the screen. All that happens when they touch is you get pushed back and are momentarily stunned, and they're pretty slow anyway. Dumb creatures!
So jump over that one and drop down left, onto the car. Jump past the one below you and onto the FeedUp truck. Jump to the top of the truck and jump past this zombie, dropping down off the truck at the left. I find it helpful to shine a light at the zombie, which stops it as long as you're shining the light on it. Walk to the double car pile and click on the top car to notice that someone left the dash lights on. It seems like everyone left in a huge hurry... jump onto the pile and drop left, to the taxi. Jump over the zombie to your left and grab the car keys under the truck. Looks like it's for a 'Dorf Bean' car, whatever that means. Jump onto the truck and head left, jumping over the next zombie. Run left and climb onto the car transport truck. Ah-ha! There's the car we want! Click on the green car and use the car keys to get in. Turn on the headlights and hop out... AAAH! There's a whole mob of zombies blocking the way out of the tunnel! We need to drive them off somehow, and the flashlight you're holding isn't going to cut it. Get behind the car and click on the little red lever under your feet, as shown in the picture above (it's in the bottom right of the lit area). That'll lower the car, bringing the lights on them and driving them off, so you are free to enter the city.
Now we're in! Walk left and look above you: you'll see the same guy as the one in the introductory comic strip and his toolbox, but he can't be reached because he's blocked on all sides. Never mind him, though, we just need his lunchbox. Walk left, jumping to the platform above when you get to the left edge of it. Walk left and use the blocks to jump to the platform above. Walk right and use these blocks to jump up again. Walk all the way right and jump to the top platform. Hop into the crane cab and use your mouse to bring the arm to the platform that the lunchbox is on (it's on the bottom floor.) Click on the platform to pick it up, then move it all the way to the top and place it in the empty space in the middle of the top floor. Then click the CLOSE button at the top of the screen and jump out of the cab to the left so that your jump over the pile of blocks and bricks next to the lunchbox. Click on the lunchbox and move the sandwich out of the way... anyone hungry? to reveal the corner of a purple card. Click on it to take out a subway pass and then hop to the ground. Go left, jumping over the zombie in your way. Walk past the subway and into the Berry Delicious Smoothie Shop. Didn't the zombie apocalypse start with berries? Walk right and grab a pamphlet; it tells you where their berries are imported from. Hmm, not much else interesting here... leave the shop, walk right to the subway and enter.

The Apartments

Go down the stairs, hop over the three zombies, use your subway pass to open the area ahead, then go to the area to the left. Walk left, click on the lightbulb above you to grab it, jump over the zombie there and continue left. Hop off the platform, jump over the zombie when he's facing right and click on the rock in front of the subway car to move it forward. That's all to do now, we dont't actually want to continue to the wharf. Come back to the Financial District now and run all the way left. Go left, to Shady Side apartments. Jump over the zombie and walk left, to the fuse box. Click on it and flip these switches: bottom-left, top-right, top-middle, bottom-right. The middle column should be all green when you finish, giving you a zombie-free path to the roof. Jump from here to the middle of the apartment building. Jump up along the column of lit windows and enter the door to your left on the roof to enter the apartment lobby. Walk left and jump over the stairs to the door there, and enter. This is Romero's apartment! FYI, the name Romero is based on the film director George Romero, the one who started the zombie movie craze in the first place.
Look around here for a while. It looks like Romero had a major obsession with fruit! We know that infected fruit is what causes zombieness from the introductory comics, so he must have been trying to get to the root of the problem. Walk left from the door and click on the sticky note on the computer monitor to pick it up; it has a username and password written on it. Leave this room and walk right, dropping down the staircase. Walk right, jump over these stairs, and enter room 5, Joe Puddy's apartment.
Walk right, jump up, and grab the Bolt Cutters. Joe Puddy was the star of the introductory comic strip, the construction man who was being pressured to eat fruit by the rest of his community, which is obsessed with fruit. Look where it got them! Drop off left, run to the other end of the apartment, and grab the note stuck to the fridge. It's his diet plan, composed mostly of fruit. Run out and drop down the stairs to the left. Enter apartment 1, the Gamer's apartment.
The Gamer Dude looks like the only lively person here! Walk right and click on his trash can. Sift through it to the bottom, where you'll find a Valley Rain soda label. Hey, that looks like it has fruit -- but the gamer's not a zombie. Keep going and grab the camera past the guy. Talk to the gamer and he'll tell you he's surviving the apocalypse on nothing but Valley Rain soda, Cheese Curls, and video games -- lots of them. Eat hearty!
Click on the screen to play the game he's playing: it's called Terror in the Garden. Play it now to get practice, you'll need it later. The objective is to rapidly click while pointing at a zombie-fruit to exterminate that one. You get ten points for each one killed and it gets harder every hundred points, with more fruit. If the screen is flashing red, some fruit are very close to you and you have to shoot them. The game ends when a fruit gets too close to you. The bar on top shows how far you are to winning, and your score is displayed in the top left. After some time playing that, open your clues notebook to reveal information about these three people you investigated. Read through it carefully, and you'll find the Universal Video Game Cheat Code: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start. Maybe it'll come in handy for that video game... Leave these apartments, jump off the roof, and run left. Go past the cemetery with the suspicious tunnel in a pit... I wonder what's there? and past the 145 house, to Chinatown.

Finding Romero

Run left, past the Wok and a Hard Place and into the Karaoke Bar. Walk right and jump to the stage. Talk to the lady there and she'll ask you t clear the dance floor of the zombies. Run all the way right of the stage and look right. There's a zombie under the disco ball, so aim your flashlight at the ball to scare it off. Now you can go there and click on the disco lights control to activate the disco floor! The zombies will start running off the floor... maybe they can't dance? Talk to the girl on the stage and she'll tell you that she doesn't know why she didn't become a zombie. Pick up the receipt for Fred's Fruit from the table she was standing in front of -- hey, it looks like she does eat fruit. Maybe it's only a certain kind of fruit that causes zombieness? Anyway, look through her file in your notebook. Then switch to Romero's page to get a username and password. Click on the laptop she left running and click on Find My Phone. Input that username ('doctor') and password ('awesome') to find Romero's phone. It'll show you a labeled map of Eastman, then locate his phone... in an UNDERGROUND BUNKER?! Click on the Unlock button to open the bunker and click on the top left button to print out a map to the phone. Then leave the bar and take out the map. *sigh* Well, I never though it would be easy in the first place...
On this map, yellow rectangles are doors/entrances and orange rectangles are passages. Walk to the right of the bar, just above the orange rectangle on the map and under the chain of lights. Actually, there are a bunch of zombies here... so jump on top of the chain of lights and use the lightbulb in your inventory to replace the bad lamp in the chain, turning on the other lights and dispersing the zombie crowd. Jump down and enter the manhole; you'll find yourself on top of a subway car now. Walk left and enter the train, then run all the way right. Click on the control panel to the right to run the train all the way to the right, then turn around and turn on the lights by clicking on the other panel. Run left and get out of the train. Climb up the ladder there and jump off right. There'll be some graffiti there labeling the secret bunker... way to keep it a secret. Click on the bunker and wait... AAAAH! ZOMBIES! Screaming, you run inside and slam the door shut.

The Blueberries

Run left and drop off. At the bottom left of the bunker, click on the phone and dial 555-3946, Romero's cell phone. It's ringing! Run right and there's a zombie in the cage... Dr. Romero?! Pick up his phone and the receipt he dropped. Poor Romero... get to his phone and play all four videos to learn what's been happening. So, the cause of the zombie outbreak has been ingesting fruit infected by a pesticide... but which one? Run left to the chart to find out. Use your clues notebook to put an X under the fruit that the person on the left ate. Your final chart should look like the one to the right. So the blueberries are the culprit! And now the coffee machine will randomly start spouting coffee! Run left, grab the cup, then make your way to the top left of the bunker and exit. You're on Park Drive now, in the pit under the cemetery. So that's where it leads! Jump out left before the zombie gets to you (he's really close) and run left, to Chinatown. Run left until you get to the gate in front of the Wharf, then use those handy Bolt Cutters to open it and get in.
This place is just crawling with zombies, so you'll have to be careful as you run right. Try to stay above the ground, but still near it. Stop when you reach the sign marked 'DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2000' and click on it to open the box. Enter it and you'll find yourself in the survivalist's bunker. Go right and talk to him... it looks like he's hiding here to protect himself from a cyber-apocalypse: the Y2K bug. Talk to him and he'll promise to shine a spotlight, letting you reach the shipping containers you want safely. Give him the coffee and he'll give you a key card to the wharf control system. Now get outside and jump to the top of the box, where the crazy dude is holding a spotlight for you. Now go into your items and equip your camera. Here's how it works: shortly after you click on the orange camera button in the bottom left, the camera illuminates the whole scene around you in a brilliant flash lasting three seconds and also paralyzes all nearby zombies. Jump left, to the blue container. Jump up so you're standing on it, then walk left and jump, to the blue platform of the other stack. Jump up to the handles and then jump up to the top of the box. Jump right and onto the green box. Once at the top, jump right and onto the crane arm. Run right along the arm by jumping from platform to platform (the platforms hang from the arm of the crane.) Use your flashlight to look around periodically. At the end, you'll be at the crane cab.
Use your key card to get in and click on CARGO to sort the list alphabetically by their cargo. Click on BLUEBERRIES, about halfway down the list, and remember the row/space: 73 G. Now what you have to do is move the hook using your mouse out of the way of the stacks that have three containers in them. The rows will come towards you, then disappear, to advance to the next row. Dodge the three-high stacks until you reach Row 73, where you can click on the 73G compartment (it's about halfway between the middle and the right side.) This will unload the blueberries compartment and you can drop off the cab to the right. Enter the compartment. AAAH! There's a crazy giant zombie running around here! Looks like someone had too much fruit. You can stop him by flashing your camera, then click on a pile of blueberries to grab a sample.
Leave the compartment and run left to exit the wharf. Run right, past Chinatown, and into the pit under the cemetery. Enter the door to the bunker and drop off the platform to the right. Run right to the complex machine there and use your blueberries to activate the machine. Turn the crank until the bar up there is full all the way, then grab the medical gun. Use it to cure Romero... it works! Now we just have to make enough to cure the rest of the population. But it looks like those zombies have other plans... they're trying to break down the door! Jump from the crates to your left to the top floor. Click on the boards to block the door, then come back down and turn the crank to continue processing. Hurry, the zombies are attacking the door! Turn the crank as fast as possible, then grab the antidote gun. Hey, that coward Romero is locking himself in the cell, leaving everything up to you! Now you'll enter a mini-game similar to the video game you played in the Gamer Guy's apartment. You have to aim and click to launch a drop of the antidote. You need more than one shot to cure a person, though, so you should press and hold the mouse button down. When zombies are cured, they'll turn from the sickly purple color to a color of human skin. Finally, you've cured everyone! And here comes Samuel Brains, the owner of the Berry Delicious Smoothie shop, the store that cause the outbreak in the first place! He'll offer everyone free coupons for smoothies as a prize for stopping the apocalypse. Hah! I'll take the island medallion and be on my way, sucker. Or will I?..

Members-Only Bonus Quest

Hey, how did that guy from the wharf survive over 13 years in a bunker? He'll reply, 'Rats!' No, he doesn't drink rats, he's being carried away by zombie-infected rats! When the blueberry sludge was flushed down the drain, it contaminated the city's water supply and could trigger an even more serious zombie outbreak! We've got to do something about this, and Romero has an idea: dump the super-strong zombie antidote into each of the three pumps feeding the city's water supply. Simple enough, right? No. Jump up to the top of the stacks of fruit crates, then jump off left. Exit the bunker, walk left and enter the sewers through the manhole there. Hey, zombie rats! In this sewer maze, you have to jump around the rats as you try to find all three pumps. Follow these steps:
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The Tunnel
1. Enter the island and talk to the old police man. (You can copy policeman outfit here)
2. None of the police want to go into the tunnel, so the suit guy gives you a FLASHLIGHT (which you put on to add to your outfit and use), and the notebook of the scientist working to find the zombie cure, who they have lost touch with.
3. Jump on top of the school bus and enter the tunnel.

4. Keep on moving left, jumping over obstacles and using your flashlight to guide you. If you run into a zombie, you scream AAAAH! and move away from them, so try to avoid them.
5. In a while you’ll see an OIL TRUCK, with flashing green car keys. Pick them up, and keep on moving left.
6. Now stop at the green car that looks like the ones on the keys. Unlock the door using the keys and click the LIGHT button on the left. Exit and click on the crank below you to tilt the car’s light in front of the zombies so they move away.
The Subway
1. You can now keep on moving to the Financial District (left). Here, jump on the beams all the way to the top and to the right, where you see the controls for a crane. Click on them and you start the crane moving. First, click on the top right beam and move it to the top middle. Then, go to the bottom right beam – which has a toolbox on it – and move it to the space where the top right beam was. Move the crane out of the way of the beam then exit.
2. Jump over the pile of boxes and click on the toolbox. Sort through it until you find a subway pass on the bottom, which you pick up. Now jump down from the beams and run left.
3. Enter the smoothie shop and run right. Pick up a pamphlet. Now exit the store and go down, into the Subway.
4. There are zombies, but they mainly stay to the right. Jump over them and “use” your subway pass for the gate to open. Go left.
5. On the platform, jump up to get the light bulb.
6. Continue to go left, avoiding the zombies. There is a rock blocking the train. Click on it to make the train move forward. Now go back right again, and exit the subway into the Financial District.
The Apartment
1. Go left until you get to Shady Side Apartments. However, the only way to get in is jump the window, but there are zombies blocking the way. Go left a little and click on the fuse box.
2. Click on 2, 3, 8, and 9 so that there are green lights leading to the roof. Turn off all other switches. Now jump on the lighted windows.
3. When you get to the top left window, jump up and enter through the door. Go to the apartment door marked 7 (go straight left and jump over the gap for stairs)
4. Click on the yellow sticky note on the computer (to the left). Exit and go to door 5 – climb down the stairs and go right. Pick up the bolt cutters on top of the cabinet on the right.
5. Click on the note on the fridge – left. Now exit and go to door 1, on the bottom floor middle. Gamer Dude invites you to “come chill”. Jump up and get the camera on top of the speakers to the right of him.
6. Click on the trash can behind him. At the bottom, there is a green soda bottle. You might have to move some stuff, but if you see green sticking out, just click on it.
1. To get there, jump on to the roof of the Chinese restaurant, jump left onto the string of paper lanterns, then jump onto the street and enter the Karaoke bar.
2. There are zombies blocking the whole place. Jump onto the stage and talk to DJ Saturday Night, who won’t let you touch her stuff unless you clear the dance floor. Shine your flashlight at the ceiling and find the disco ball. Shining it makes the zombies temporarily go away.
3. Go right, and you see a switch for the disco lights. Shine your flashlight at the 2nd disco ball, right above the second “room”. The zombie will go away and you can click the switch.
4. Now all the zombies are gone, and DJ leaves too. Click on the computer and click on “Find my phone”. Type in username: doctor and password:awesome. It finds Dr. Romero’s phone! Unlock the door and take a screenshot.
5. Next, click on the piece of paper on top of the shiny bowl (?) to get DJ’s shopping receipt. Exit the Karaoke Bar.
The Secret Bunker
1. Once you’ve exited, go right and jump on top of the trash can (when there are no zombies in the way). From there, jump onto the Karaoke Bar roof and onto the string of paper lanterns. “Use” the light bulb and it will light up the lanterns.
2. Sink down into the middle so the zombies go away and drop into the manhole.You land on a subway.
3. Go left and enter the hatch to the subway. Go right to the controls and click on the red button to turn on the lights, then the lever to make the subway go. When it’s “the end of the line”, exit the way you came.

Poptropica Zomberry Island How To Get Into The Train

4. Right above you is a red ladder. Climb up and enter the secret bunker.
5. Go down and explore a little. Dr. Romero is a zombie! Go left to the red phone and dial 555-3946, Dr. Romero’s phone number. The phone rings! Pick up the 2 items Dr. Romero lets out of the cage.
6. “Use” the cell phone and watch Dr. Romero’s 4 video diaries. Now, it’s time to figure out which fruit caused the zombie outbreak. Go left and click on the whiteboard.
7. Fill out the chart using your clue notebook. You can copy this:
8. It’s the blueberries! Just then, a cup of coffee randomly comes out. Whatever, grab it. Now exit the secret bunker by jumping up and left. Go left to Chinatown, and left to a big gate that says The Wharf.
The Shipping Container
1. Use your bolt cutters to unlock the gate and enter. Go all the way right, avoiding the zombies until you find a shipping container that says “Do not open until 2000”. Enter.
2. Talk to the camouflage guy and give him the coffee. He gives you a keycard! You’ll need that. Now exit the shipping container.
3. Jump up and to the left. See the spotlight? Basically follow it and avoid the zombies. You may have to go a little bit out of the light for it to move to the next location. If you fall, it will just start from where you fell, or back to the beginning again. Be patient!
4. At one point, there is a green box and you don’t know where to go. Jump on top of it, then right. You can now safely follow the spotlight again.
5. Finally, you get to a crane control place. Insert the key card and it works! Scroll down to October 22, Cleveland. Basically, the game is for the crane to not get hit by the boxes. It’s pretty easy. Using autopilot, it brings the green box to right below you.
6. Equip your camera before you enter. There is a crazed zombie! Click on the camera to flash and stun him. Now collect a sample of the blueberries and exit.
7. Go all the way left, but this time don’t use the gate. Enter the subway just to the left of it. Use your subway pass again (avoiding the zombies) and go right. Avoiding the zombies, follow the train tracks all the way to the train you moved before. Jump on to the platform, the top of the train, the red ladder, and into the secret bunker.
The Cure
1. Next to Dr. Romero there is some “high-tech equipment”. “Use” the blueberries and turn the crank to get the antidote. Equip it to cure Dr. Romero.
2. The zombies are trying to get in! Jump up and click on the boards next to the doorway to block it off…for now. Now jump down and turn the crank as fast as you can to make another antidote.

Poptropica Zomberry Island Glitch

3. Now, there will be a mini-game. Basically hold down on the antidote for the zombies until their face turns normal. Go left to right to get everyone and you know you’re done when you get a new photo. Congratulations! There are some scenes at the end and you receive your ISLAND MEDALLION!

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