Poptropica Poptropicon 1

Aug 31, 2014  You guys may as well enjoy my ramblings, thoughts, and frustration with Poptropica when I can't figure out what to do or just can't quite make that tough jump! Here's Poptropicon Episode 1. From there, you can travel to one of Poptropica's many islands, each with its own quests and adventures. Coolmath Top Picks. Play the classic game of strategy. You can challenge the computer, a friend, or join a match against another online player.

Thank you to Trusty Biker for writing the walk through!

So when you drop down, they’ll play a short scene about the Might Arrows Action Force (a light will shine up in the air featuring them). Then go inside and click start. The guy next to you tells you whoever comes up with the best Omegon costume will win a walk-on role in the Mighty Action Force sequel. Cool, right? Wrong. The person to the left of him tells you that nobody knows what Omegon looks like. Looks like we are going to have to find out for ourselves. Go right to the EXPO FLOOR. Keep going right and you’ll bump into the person from Wicked Cool News. He wants you to be a spy and figure out what Omegon looks like. He says if you find out, he’ll whip you up a super cool Omegon costume. He’ll give you a cell phone to take pictures of the Omegon costume. If you examine it now, you’ll ind out that we need to find three parts of his costume. The head piece, the suit, and the cape. Lets start!

Go to the right and talk to Stan Ditko, the creator of the Elf Archer. You ask if he knows where you can find pictures of the Omegon costume. He says that someone was just here trying to sell me on behind-the-scenes shots of Omegon. When you ask who tried to sell you the photo, he’ll say it was Sasha Capone, the webmaster of Wicked Cool News’ biggest rival, Totally Rad News. Ask what she looks like and he’ll describe her, then you see her run into the hallway. Before you follow her, go right and pick up the FREE ELF ARCHER ISSUE #1 REPRINT. Now go left and enter the hallway. Now this part is very easy. All you need to do is locate Sasha Capone, figure out what door she went through, and then enter that door. It’s actually not that hard, you just need to figure out where she is at the very beginning.

When you finally get to the end, go left and talk to her. When you tell her that you’re looking for pictures of Omegon and that you heard she has one, she asks what you’ll give her for it. Tell her that you could get some loose change. Then she’ll tell you to call her when we get a real offer. She’ll give you her card. Then she goes away to the closed door preview. Go left and click on the phone bin. Unfortunately, we don’t know which phone is Sasha’s. Let’s try calling her. Go to your inventory then use the calling card. Rats! No signal! Talk to the man next to the phone box. He says there’s a tech lounge down the hall. So go right and up to the tech lounge. Call Sasha again and this time, her phone will ring. Get there before it stops ringing and click on the bin. You’ll text yourself the photo and you’ll get a picture of Omegon’s cape.

Now’ll we’ll get the headpiece. Exit the hallway and go left into the exhibit hall. Wait for the little scene to play out. Here’s a crazy idea. Let’s dress up as the elf archer and get in! Exit the exhibit hall and go back to the hallway. Go up to the tech lounge and customize the Pinata Man’s tunic.

Exit the hallway and go to the platform above Stan Ditko. There’s a lady there that looks like a detective-type person. Customize her hair. The go left into the theater and go to the left side of the stage. Customize the sitting guy’s mask. Exit the Theater and go right to the Demo Area. Go all the way to the right and customize the knight’s bow. You can customize the arrows too if you want. Go back to the exhibit hall and stand on the platform. The people will push you into the room.

As soon as they’re gone, Go to the left. You can customize any of the costumes there. Jump on top of the trash statue and onto the platform. You’ll see the new Omegon mask. You’ll take a picture of it and then you can get out.

Now for Omegon’s suit. This part is just a little bit difficult and a little bit long. Go to the demo area and click on the girl by the Mighty Action Force Card Game booth. Say yes when she asks you if you want to play. She’ll teach you how to play, but I’ll explain it to you quickly.

Once you beat the person (it may take you a few tries) she’ll give you a World Guy Card that’s worth 4 points. If you want to organize your card deck, you go to your inventory and press ORGANIZE on your Card Deck. You can switch out one of your lesser cards for that World Guy Card. So now we’re going to have to get a strong card deck to beat the person that has Omegon’s suit. Go to the right and click on one of the balloons so that you’re holding it. It’ll help you jump higher.

While holding the balloon, jump up onto the higher platform. Go to the right until you see a board that’s full of sticky notes. Keep clicking on the board to make the sticky notes fall down. When they are all down, you’ll see a Mighty Action Force card. Pick it up. It’s a DIRT CLAUDE card!Now we’ll get a couple more cards before we battle the next person. Exit the Demo Area and go right and up to where we got the Elf Archer’s Mask.

While holding the balloon, jump off the left side of the platform. If you do it right, you should get a Mighty Action Force card. If not, keep trying! It’ll be a Trash Collector Card. Now go right into the Exhibit Hall. You’ll notice a giant superhero at the top. There’s a Mighty Action Force card in his hand. Use the balloon to bounce off his hand and shake the card down. It will be a Fashion Ninja Card.

You can now pop the balloon by clicking on it. You don’t need it anymore, the rest of the cards you can get without it. Exit the Exhibit Hall and go left into the Theater. To the left of the stage, there’s a platform with a box on top of it. Click the box to move it and you’ll find a Mighty Action Force card. Now go to the right and click on the girl with a peace sign necklace and challenge her to play. When you win, you’ll get a Gold Face card.

Now, you’re going to want to go back to the area with the Tech Lounge. Go up to the Tech Lounge, and click on the vending machine that the wizard-dressed guy is having trouble with…again. A Mighty Action Force Card will drop out!

Organize your deck, and try to have the most powerful cards, or the ones with special abilities, to be in your deck. Go down, under the Tech Lounge, and talk to the guy sitting down. Challenge him to play a game with you. Once you beat him, you’ll get an Elf-Archer card! It’s worth 4 points.

Go back to the Demo Area now. Click on one of the balloons and go all the way up to the second platform. Organize your deck one more time, then challenge the lady up there to a game. When we win, we get an unreleased Omegon card! It has his suit on it!

Now we have all 3 pieces! Go back to the Wicked Cool News booth. The guy will thank you, then give you an Omegon costume. When you’re ready, customize all parts of it,then head into the theater, and watch the cut scene play out.

Once it plays out, you’ll get the Island Medallion!

Thank you to Trusty Biker for writing this walk through!

This is a medium level island. And the only reason I say that is because you need to costumize from a lot of different people. When you enter PoptropiCon Episode 1, you’ll be directed to a person who will ask you if you know how to costumize. If you say yes, she’ll teach you. If you say no, she won’t. So to save your current look, click on the Costume Closet tent that’s next to her. Click on the green button right under you. That’ll save your outfit. To get your outfit, click the blue button, then click on your outfit. Exit out of that now and head to the right. You’ll se a line waiting to get in to see the Mighty Action Force trailer. If you click on the people waiting in line, you’ll ask if they have an extra ticket. Of course, they don’t. Untill you come to a princess. Ask her if she has an extra ticket. She says she is holding one for her friend, but she does not know where he is. She’ll show you a selfie when you ask what he looks like.

Your first mission: Create an outfit that looks like her wizard friend. Go to the right and costumize the last person in line. You’ll want her staff. Go to the left until you see a sign that says parking lot. Jump on it then onto a windowsil with shrubbery. From there, walk right until you’re right next to the Costume Closet. Jump onto the green awning and you’ll bounce up to a sign that says: COSPLAY CONTEST ATNOON. Rember where that is. You’ll need it later. Go to the right and costumize the person who is having a fight with the vending machine. As you pass the garbage can, you’ll pick up some bottles. So costumize this guy’s beard. Jump straight up and keep jumping untill you get to the top. Go to the left and costumize the witch’s hat. Run off the left of the roof and jump off. Go left into the parking lot. Go to the left next to the SPACE JAUNT booth. There is a guy eating, he has a red hat on. Costumize his tunic. Go back to the princess. When you pass theYE OLD FORGE OF FINERY, jump on the convention center sign, then jump on the roof. Go left and get the Watch Parts.

When you get back to the princess, she’ll ask you for something in exchange for her ticket. She mentioned that her friend was in the bathroom. So you’ll have to go the left and check. Pass the PEPE’S PIZZA PUFFS truck and go left again to the restrooms. Go left and you’ll see the wizard person crying. He says he left it in the bathroom and the line is too long to get it. Since nobody will let you skip them, you’ll have to run back and forth to get what they want in order to get to the bathroom.

So the first person wants to know who played Thor in the old viking movie. To find out, you’ll need to go to the alley, which is to the right of Main Street or the Convention Center as the call it. So go to the right once you enter the alley. Jump on the first dumpster and get the backpack straps. Keep going to the right until you see a poster that says BUCKY LUCAS IS THOR. Click on the poster to let your character learn this information.

Go back to the restrooms and tell the person the information. The next person asks us to find out what time the Cosplay Contest is. Remember when we saw that poster? Go back to it and click on it to have your character learn the information. Go back to the girl and tell her the information. She’ll trade you her spot.

The next person says that you have to have a power amulet to get past him. If you go back to the convention center, there is now a girl on top of the bus. She is holding the power amulet. Click on her and race her to the top of the water tower to get the amulet. Unfortunately, she is a cheat. Jump up the stairs and onto the windowsill. Jump onto the pipe on your left and climb all the way up. Jump on the windowsill and onto the clothesline. Move your mouse so you land on the windowsill. Jump up and then onto the umbrella. Jump one more time and you’ll be at the top. If you don’t get it the first time, don’t worry. You’ll get it. Once you get the power amulet, put it on and go back to the boy. Click on him, and he’ll give you the spot.

The next person wants a mask from the SPACE JAUNT booth. Go there and talk to the first person and ask him to teach you how to speak Fremulon. Examine the Fremulon pamphlet. Then click on the second person and carry one a basic conversation.

When he asks you- Scrash Sumbellugh? How are you?

Answer and say- Scrum Bellazugh I am fine!

When he asks you- Crozzy Zup Bemblex? Where is the restroom?

Answer and say- Bemblex Zup Amfrozan The restroom is behind you.


When he asks you- Groffzellux Scrumble Blurge? Will you take a picture of me?

Poptropica poptropicon 1 walkthrough

Answer and say- Blurge Scrashble Bellazagur. I’d be delighted to take a picture of you!

How To Beat Poptropica Poptropicon 1

He’ll be impressed and give you the mask. You should know what to do now. Go back to the restrooms, which are to the right, and give the boy the mask. The last girl wants a new jet pack. She’ll give you a set of instructions to build it. Remember the stuff we kept on picking up? That’s the stuff we need for the jet pack. Go to YE OLD FORGE OF FINERY which is to the right of the SPACE JAUNT booth. Click on the booth, then click twice more to exit the instructions. This is what you need to do:

1. Click on the green backpack straps.

2. Click on the glue to put some on.

3. Click on the bottles to attach them.

How To Play Poptropica Poptropicon 1

4. Click on the glue again to put some more on.

Poptropica Cheats Poptropicon Part 1

5. Click on the watch parts to attach those.

6. Click on the spray cans in the top right corner.

7. Wait until it registers that you’re done.

Go back to the lady and give her the jet pack. She’ll fly away. Click on the restroom and wait for the scene to play out. When you come out, you’ll get a Mjolnir.

How To Complete Poptropica Poptropicon 1

Go back to the princess at the convention center. When you tell her you found it in an outdoor toilet, she’ll tell you the deal is off and you need to find another way inside. Equip the Mjolnir. Go to the alley and talk to the guy standing next to the poster that says BUCKY LUCAS IS THOR. You’ll ask if you can trade it for the catapult. He’ll say only Thor himself can move him from the spot. So, you’ll have to customize yourself to look like Thor. Go out of the alley and customize the beard from the first person in line. Don’t forget to take off the power amulet and the staff. Also take off the wizard beard. Next, go to the parking lot and customize the tunic from the girl at the YE OLD FORGE OF FINERY. Go left to the restrooms and customize the last person in line’s hair and get the cape from the girl in front of him. Go back to the alley. You’re all set. Talk to the man again. This time, he’ll leave his post.

Jump on top of the catapult until it goes all the way down. Click the lever and fly! Congratulations! You’ve completed the island!

Poptropica Help Blog

To get your outfit back, go back to PoptropiCon and click on the costume closet. Press the blue button by your feet and click on the outfit you want to customize from.

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