Survival Island 4 Poptropica

Dec 22, 2014  Survival Island Cheats & Walkthrough – Episode 3 Distress Signal. Here is the cheats walkthrough guide for Poptropica’s Survival Island episode 3, Distress Signal. You will find both a video walkthrough as well as a written one below to help you get through this episode of Survival Island! If you haven;’t already guessed it, in this.

Cabin Fever is episode 4 of the Poptropica 'Survival'quest (aka 'Survival island').

Having completed episodes 1, 2, and 3, you used a radio tower tocall for your rescue. Now you have to deal with your mysteriousrescuer (inspired by a classic short story 'The Most DangerousGame').

*see the related questions for the full solutions to all of theSurvival episodes.


Survival Island 4 Poptropica

Episode 4: Cabin Fever

Poptropica Walkthrough Survival 2

A helicopter sent by 'Myron Van Buren' picks you up from theradio tower. But the message in the crashed plane said 'Don't trustMVB.' You meet Van Buren and you are dropped off at his huntinglodge. After a short tour of his trophies ((cross the ad room toenter the bottom floor right), you meet his valet Winston. Go withVan Buren to the dining hall (cross the ad room to the bottom floorleft). But after eating you fall asleep and awaken in a lockedbedroom.

Survival Island 4 Poptropica

1) Click on the three lights below the herald to turn them onand off. Turn the red light on, and you see a message 'You are notalone.' Turn off the red and turn on the blue, and you see 'Meet mein the woods.' With just the red and blue lights on, you see thenumber '0451' which is the front door security code, and theinitials MM.

2) Click on the right paw of the bear rug to get its claw. Useit to break the lock on the door.

3) To get past the security lights, wait until the first onegoes right, then click the plant to hide behind it. When the lightmoves right, click to come out again, and jump onto the stuffedwalrus. When the second light moves away, click to hide behind thesecond plant, then come out and turn off the security system.

4) Exit and go downstairs. Jump on the moose head three timesuntil it falls and reveals the hidden Trophy Room key. Go right andUse the key to enter. (If you try to go upstairs, Winston catchesyou and you start again from your room.)

5) Collect items in the room:

- click the Spear from the safari

- jump to the elephant, then the crocodile to break it off thewall and reveal the Voice Recording

6) Leave the trophy room and go to the Dining Room/Kitchen. Turnon the water faucet to attract the Chef's attention, then click tohide behind the plant as she passes. Click to jump back out andgrab the Water Pitcher. Continue right to the stove and pick up theTainted Meat. Quickly click behind the other plant until the Chefpasses back to the left. Click the water faucet again to quicklyfill the pitcher. Leave the room.

7) At the fireplace, click the right candle to open a secretpassageway. Use the water pitcher to douse the fire. Go right andblow the Ram's Horn and Winston comes down to investigate. When hedoes, jump behind the fireplace and climb the hidden stairs to thepainting of Van Buren. Click it to jump out from the hidden roomand enter Van Buren's bedroom.

8) The key to the Armory in the Trophy Room is hanging by VanBuren's bed, but you can't cross the wooden floor or the trophieswithout waking him. You have to jump across the four animal heads.When you get close, Use the spear to hook the key, then leave thesame quiet way you came in.

Survival Island Part 4 Poptropica

9) Return to the Trophy Room and use the key to open the Armory.You don't need the costume. but jump to the top shelf to get theNight Vision Goggles.

10) Leave the room and go to the front door. Click the Securitysystem and press 0451. But the door won't open until it hears VanBuren's voice (use the recording).

11) Outside, put on the Night Vision Goggles and climb the tree.When you are above the guard dog, Use the Tainted Meat to put himto sleep. Go left and you reach the gate. You receive the SurvivalEpisode 4 Medallion.

Poptropica Survival Island Episode 4 Cheats

12) Unfortunately, you set off an alarm and Van Buren andWinston appear. Van Buren says the hunt is going to begin, and YOUare the hunted prey! The story continues in Episode 5 : Escape!

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