Poptropica Train

How do you get the train tickets on poptropica? Wiki User February 11, 2013 5:19PM. You have to go right to down town and keep going right until you reach a trash can (NOT A DUMPSTER).

CheatsPoptropica Train

Arriving at the Mystery Train, you will fall into a hill, go down to the left and run till you see a train that is going to Chicago, look for a man that loaded with bags and wishes to put his luggage into the train but cannot to by himself, so help him, he is Thomas Edison by the way.

To help him, read the instruction make sure to click on the luggage pieces from small to big bags, by helping him he will offer you a ride to go along with him in Chicago. Agree with the offer and ride on to the train.

Inside the Train

You will need to talk to almost everyone on the train and you’ll find celebrity travelers on board one of which are Mark Twain, Thomas Edison, Gustav Eiffel and more.

  • The first man that you need to talk to is Ferris, the guy with a worried face. He will tell you something and will give you the telegram.
  • Then run left and talk to Nikola Tesla, who is standing outside of his cabin door.
  • Then run to the left side to the next cart of the train, you will have to go inside the Ms. Susan B. Anthony’s room talk to the lady and she will give you a pamphlet.
  • Get out the room and find Gustav Eiffel, talk to him then go inside a room where Erik Weisz and talk to the man.
  • Get out of the room and run left till you find a guy wearing a hat and a pencil in his ear. Talk to him and proceed to Mark Twain’s cabin and speak with him.
  • Get out of the room and to the left again and pick up a pencil that’s lying on a table as you run past.
  • Go inside the Mlle. Moreau’s room. Speak with her and she’ll give you a copy of her newspaper, Le Monde.
  • Now that you’ve met with everyone, you can go back to Thomas Edison’s room and talk to him. He’ll tell you about his latest invention and leave, a sudden dark scene showing the train heading into a tunnel. But when the lights come back, the projector is missing! Thomas Edison and the reporter arrive and want to know what happened. You need to find the person who stole the project.


This is the part where you need to find clues and evidence to catch the invention’s thief. It’s a pretty easy task, you just need to click on other passengers to speak with them and a box of your clues will appear.

  • Start off with Thomas Jefferson, then to the New York Times reporter, then Mark Twain he will have his select his portrait in your clues area, but he won’t say that he has a secret compartment. Find the hollow panels on the wall and click it, it is the secret compartment, inside is his manuscript of Huckleberry Finn.
  • Then the train will stop, go out and talk to the reporter again and he’ll give you another clue. Then, you’ll appear on board the train’s engine.
  • Go to the left where Susan B. Anthony’s cabin, speak to her.
  • Now you can talk to all passengers randomly to get more clues, until you get to the reporter, talk to him and click on the device.
  • Go back to the Thomas Edison’s door and you’ll notice spots on the door.
  • Talk to the train porter and select the glass of prune juice.
  • Take the notepad that he’ll give you and use the pencil that you got earlier. Scratch it to reveal the imprinted text that was left behind. It will be Telsa’s prune juice.
  • Go to the luggage car on the right and find the handprint and coal smudges, but as soon as you find them, someone will throw a pair of scissors at you but instead of being angry, pick it up.
  • Go all the way to the coal car to talk to the coal man then click on the coal smudges clue.
  • Go back to Thomas Edison’s room and talk to the porter, the coal man’s alibi and coal smudges clue will then be eliminated.
  • Run to the right and till you find the reporter of Le Monde and tells you to dress up like the porter. Go inside the porter’s closet and wear porter’s costume.
  • Now go to Tesla’s room and talk to him, he’ll ask to refill of prune juice, while you refill his pitcher, he’ll leave to use the bathroom. This is your chance to sneak up some clues while he’s gone.
  • Click on random objects in the room, till you get the Luggage Key.
  • Then leave the room and go back the trunk, use the key on the trunk and you’ll find the projector inside.
  • The Le Monde reporter will go to get the security guards.
  • The next moment, Pinkerton Detective and porter arrive with Tesla. And asks you to return the device to Edison. But Edison doesn’t believe Tesla stole it.

Finding the real thief

Poptropica Train Walkthrough

Now, review the film on the device and it looks like Tesla was setup and he’s innocent.

  • Get out of the room and go right.
  • Go to the luggage car and jump up through the open hole onto the roof.
  • Run to the right, but try to avoid the obstacles by jumping and ducking, at the last car jump down and you will find Tesla on the coal car. He’ll give you a sketch of his cabin.
  • Now go to his cabin and examine the sketch, it’s a comparing mini game. You just need to spot the difference on the sketch and to the current cabin, you’ll find the pencil and the trunk.
  • Once you won the mini-game return to Tesla in the coal car.
  • Talk to him and you’ll get another clue, then enter to the Erik Weisz cabin. Talk to him and you’ll get a new clue about Eric Weisz and his odd behavior.
  • Leave and run to the left ask the reporter about Eric Weisz. He’ll give you a copy of the New York Times newspaper. Examine it to read an article about Harry Houdini. Now go back to Eric Weisz’ cabin.
  • He’ll be gone, but a lock pick bag will be on the floor, pick it up then Eric Weisz will appear.
  • But when you talk to him, he’ll jump up and climbs to the top of the train, then try to catch him.
  • But you will find him trapped inside the car and he’ll needs your help.
  • Use the lock pick bag to help him. Click on each of the locks and then drag the lock picks with the matching symbols to open it. You can do this by pushing the lock so that it will rests on the red line.
  • After you rescue him, he’ll tell you that his innocent, and tells you to find out what Tesla was hiding.
  • Now, go back again to Tesla and negotiate to him. Then use the lock pick set to set him free. He’ll tell you that he has a transformer that can generate energy to power the ferris wheel. He then give you the sketch
  • Return to Mark Twain’s cabin and talk to him.
  • Then get out of the room and speak with the stranger on the last car.
  • Go to Pinkerton Security car and jump to the first platform then to the left drop down to the middle and then left and drop down to the guard, then go inside the caboose.
  • You’ll find a man with a moustache which is Grover Cleveland, the President of the United States! With him, put together all the clues in order: glass of prune juice, coal smudges, key, Tesla’s briefcase, transformer sketch. Then the President Cleveland will tell you to return to the luggage car.
  • Go there and use the key to open the suitcase with the coal smudge, there are bunch of French stuffs inside.
  • So talk to Gustav Eiffel, who is French and he’ll point out that the handkerchief belongs to a lady. It must be the reporter from Le Monde!
  • But the train will stop and Le Monde reporter will be there having the transformer and she was planning to ruin the Ferris wheel.
    Catching the thief
  • Follow her, while avoiding the obstacles and the guards. If you get stuck to here, there is a video walkthrough available that you can watch.
  • When you reach the top of the Ferris Wheel, the Le Monder reporter is waiting there and she will throw the transformer down. Quickly jump to the rope on your left to make you swing ang catch the transformer.
  • Then go back to the top, but the reporter will fall down into a water trap below. Jump down and then walk up to Ferris. Click on the transformer and click the Use button.
  • You have saved the day! Congratulations!

Poptropica Train Mystery

The city center of Eastman has been overrun by a mysterious outbreak. Some, but not all, of the everyday citizens are now wandering purple zombies. The area has been quarantined while the authorities try to find the cause, and a cure. Talk to the police captain near the tunnel entrance.
1) The captain tells you to look for Doctor Romero, who was researching the situation but has gone silent. You get a notebook to record information, and a flashlight since the power is out in many areas. Jump into the tunnel.
2) Cross the school bus and make your way left. Equip your flashlight to see where you are going. The flashlight is not bright enough to repel the zombies. If one touches you, you will run away screaming in either direction.
3) Continue left to the wrecker truck. Pick up the car keys. You cannot get past the mob of zombies at the tunnel end. Tilt the wrecker bed and use the car keys to enter the car it is carrying. Turn on the lights to scatter the zombies.
Financial District
4) Go left to the construction site. Avoid the zombie and jump on the small sign to climb into the girders. Climb to the top left and enter the crane that is there.
Click the controls and use the crane to move the girders: either lift the one with the lunchbox (lower right) to the top middle, or move the one that is blocking you from the lunchbox. The zombie worker stumbles around.
5) Open the lunchbox to find a subway pass. Go left and go down into the subway.
6) Dodge the zombies and use the subway pass to reach the tracks. Go left.
7) At the end of the platform, jump up to grab the Light Bulb. Go left again to the stranded subway train.
8) There is no way to climb up except at the other platform, and there is a pipe blocking you. At the front of the train, a rock is stuck in front of the wheels. Click it to break the rock and let the train roll slightly to the right. You still cannot get on top. Leave the subway the way you came.
Smoothie Shop (optional?)
9) Enter the shop and take a flier that shows where their fruit originates. Exit and go left.
Shady Side Apartments
10) At the apartments, click on the fuse box to turn on enough lights (green) to light a path to reach the roof (upper left). One way is to push all the switches to UP and then switches 2, 4, and 7 down. Climb up and enter the door there.
11) Enter apartment 7 (Doctor Romero's). You can click the computer to get his phone info. Apparently it is not here.
12) On the next floor down, enter apartment 5 (Joe Puddy's). Pick up the bolt cutters on top of the shelf to the right of the door. Go left and click the note on the fridge to get his info.
13) At the bottom floor, enter apartment 1 (Gamer Guy). He has not turned into a zombie and is enjoying himself playing games. Click the trash can and dig through it to get the Valley Rain soda label. Jump on his speaker to get the Digital Camera there. You can play the video game (Terror from the Garden) which is good practice for the final scene of the island.
14) Equip the camera to help you stun zombies with its flash. Go back upstairs, leave the building, and go left across the sinkhole, to Chinatown.
15) Jump past the group of zombies to enter the Sing-Sing Karaoke bar. (There is a manhole cover that leads to the subway, but you will need additional information first.)
16) Jump onto the stage and cross to the right. Shining your flashlight on the Disco Balls will create light to scatter the zombie dancers. Aim at the one at upper right to move the zombie away from the switches there. Turn on the lights to scatter all the zombies from the club.
17) Talk to the KJ who is named 'DJ Saturday Night' and is another person who has somehow not turned into a zombie. She is grateful but unhelpful. She leaves, but you can get her info from atop the mixer board, and she leaves her laptop computer.
18) Click the computer and start the Find My Phone program. Enter the name and password for Doctor Romero's phone (Doctor, Awesome) to see its location. Click on UNLOCK to remotely unlock the door to the hidden bunker. Click at upper left to take a screen shot of the computer, to provide a schematic map showing the city.
19) Go outside and right to the manhole, which leads to the subway train. But you have to get rid of the zombie crowd.
20) Jump up on the wire that holds a string of paper lanterns. Use the light bulb to make them shine again. This scatters the zombies from the pipe cover. Go down the hole.
Subway / Secret Bunker
21) Land atop the subway train and go inside. Start it up with the controls to move it a little ways down the track to the bunker under the Financial District.
22) Exit and go up the ladder, and enter the door there.
23) The bunker is Doctor Romero's automated lab, but Doctor Romero is now a zombie, and has locked himself into a cage.
24) Use the desk phone to dial 555-3946 (Romero's phone). When it rings, he drops the phone and a note. Pick them up and go left to the whiteboard.
25) Review the videos on his phone. He suspects pesticide contamination has turned folks into zombies, and was collecting data on the fruit being eaten by the various people in the city.
26) Use your notebook to fill in the data for the 4 subjects on the whiteboard. For each person, check off the fruits that they have eaten. This reveals that those who ate blueberries were the ones affected. (According to the flier from the smoothie shop, their latest batch came from Cleveland.) You will need to find the affected blueberries at the Wharf.
27) Get a cup of coffee from the coffee maker. You will need it later.
28) Go to the upper left of the bunker and exit through the Quarantine Door. It exits in the sinkhole, and you can go to the far left, past Chinatown to the Wharf.
Wharf / Dock Crane
29) At the wharf, use the bolt cutters to cut the lock on the gate.
30) Go right and jump past the zombies until you see the container marked 'Do Not Open Until 2000.' (This has obviously been here a long time.)
31) Enter the container, which is the refuge of a survivalist. He has been there since the Y2K scare at the end of 1999.
32) He decides to help you get past the zombies on the container stacks.
33) Go outside and give him the cup of coffee. He is grateful and provides you with the Security Keycard for the docks.
34) As the spotlight keeps the zombies away, climb the containers using the handles, and jump up and right to the Dock Crane. Jump across the three disk-like platforms to reach the Control Cab.
35) Use the dock keycard to open the manifest list and search it for a container containing blueberries that arrived on October 22. (Use the center scroll button to go down the list.) Click on the shipment of blueberries from Cleveland.
36) As the automated crane moves through the stacks, move left or right to avoid the stacks that are too tall (3-high).
37) Click on the target crate (73-G) and it is lowered to the dock.
38) Climb down to enter the container, which unfortunately contains a huge guy who is now a zombie. Use your camera flash to drive him off, and get to the pile of spilled blueberries. Take a sample and leave.
Subway / Secret Bunker 39) Go far left on the dock to access the subway entrance there. Use the pass again to reach the tunnel.
40) Go right to the train, and jump from the right side platform to the train, and climb back up into the bunker.
41) Add the blueberries to the automated processor and turn the crank to create an antidote which is loaded into a spray gun. Click it, and select it from your items.
42) Spray Doctor Romero and he is cured. But you hear zombies coming.
43) Climb up to the right and click the boards to cover the door to the bunker.
44) Climb down to turn the crank as fast as you can to make the antidote. When the antidote batch is finished, the zombies break into the bunker and you have to cure them as they attack you. (This is the same type of action as the Gamer Guy's video game). Spray them all before you succumb.
45) When you have won, the Smoothie Shop owner Samuel Brains arrives and offers free smoothies as compensation for the zombie outbreak his shop caused. He is chased off by Puddy and Gamer Guy, but he drops the Island Medallion and Romero gives it to you. You can leave through the subway, which for some reason still has some straggler zombies.
Bonus Quest for Paid Members Only
1) This short quest has the survivalist carried away by zombie rats. You must take a beaker of concentrated antidote to 3 pipes that supply the city water.
2) Exit the quarantine door (upper left) and go down the sewer entrance in the sinkhole near the apartments. Go right, jump over the rat and push the crate left to reach the path.
3) There are two pipes to the right and one to the left. Go right until you reach the rat blocking the pipe. Click the valve and you are thrown to the upper level (pipe #1). Once you use the beaker, click the valve to spray the zombie attacking you.
4) Go down the hole at right to pipe #3, again using the beaker and spraying the zombie.
5) Climb back up to the fork and go left to reach pipe #2. Use the beaker, and spray the zombie, who is your friend, the survivalist, who had been zombie-fied by the rats.
-- Even once the populace is 'cured' there are zombies in the subway.
-- Professor Romero is named for legendary zombie director George Romero, and the Fort Savini Tunnel is named for makeup artist and actor Tom Savini. The city of Eastman is named for Kevin Eastman, artist for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and co-executive producer of the upcoming UK film 'Zombie Apocalypse.'

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