Poptropica Timmy Failure

Aug 23, 2015 This week’s free prize for visiting Timmy Failure Island is a special Timmy Failure Island poster. It is customized and features your avatar in a scene with several characters from the island. Each Thursday, the prizes change, so if you want the printable poster, be sure to visit the island before next Thursday. Poptropica, a virtual world for kids to travel, play games, compete in head-to-head competition, and communicate safely. Kids can also read books, comics, and see movie clips while they play.

Hey Everyone! Poptropica Guru is back and it has been quite some time since our last Poptropica Island Walkthrough. We are going to get right into the next walkthrough guide we want to give to you and it is going to be for Timmy Failure Island. This Poptropica island came out in mid September but I thought I would help out those that are still having trouble with it! See below for the Timmy Failure Island Cheats Guide!

Poptropica Timmy Failure Island Cheats

When you first get to the island, Timmy will be standing there telling you how he solved the case on this island which is not how you remember it at all! So we will go back to the previous events to find out what really happened.

Head left until you get to Timmy hiding in a bush and talk to him. He will tell you that someone stole his pants and he wants help to catch the criminal! Your first task is to invest his formal business partner!

Hint or Cheat: Timmy will also give you the first page to his detective journal here. You can also find other pages throughout the island.

Poptropica Timmy Failure Island – Investigating Total the Polar Bear

It turns out that his former business partner is a polar bear by the name of Total. Timmy thinks he is hiding at is house. To get there, head left into the next section which is where you will find the playground. Right above the guy with the shirt saying “Stanfurd”, jump up and you will find a Pole. Continue heading left into the next section.

Continue left leaving the section with the 3 houses in it and in the next section go talk to the guy trimming bushes. Ask him if you can climb to the top of the elephant looking bush he is working on. Once he says yes, climb to the top of it and you will see the trunk fall off. Now jump down and go back over to the guy. You will now pick up the gardening shears!

Now head back to the right into the section with the houses and enter the first house (Failures House). Once in the house go to the left and jump on the vacuum that is moving on the ground.

Now wait for it to go all the way right and then back left. Once it is right in front of Total, click on your menu items and pull out your gardening shears. You will now jump up to the top of the fridge and see what Total was after; some Crispy Rice Treats which you will pick up!

Cheat or Hint: If you are confused as to what to do on that last part, please watch the video walkthrough guide!

Once you have the Crispy Rice Treats Total will follow you around. First jump down to the left and on the shelf with the plates on it jump up and you will find a permanent marker. We will need this for later!

Now lets head all the way upstairs and to the left and go to the man sitting in the window with a bag over his head (This is just a fake man). Go ahead and push him out of the window! Once he falls out, then exit out of the window and jump down to where the fake man is. You will now pick up the Garbanzo Man Mask.

Now head right into the next section of Timmy Failure Island. Go through this section into the next as well. When you come to a building with a “temporary closed” sign on the door and a big sign saying “Offices for Rent” Total will find a garbage can, lay down, and start eating out of it! Once he does this, use his stomach to jump up to the platform above you.

Noe head left and use the stones to get to the next platform above you. Now head right and pick up the screw driver on the ground. Continue to the top of this building until you get to the ladder and use it to climb to the top. Once here, go to the left and on top of yet another platform you will find some rope. Pick it up.

Head back down the ladder you just came up and then head left jumping onto the roof of the next building. Here you will find a little opening in a window you can climb through and head all the way left where you will drop down a bit.

Now go in front of the door here and open your menu to put on the Man Mask you have! Now click on the door to exit and you will scare the man standing outside! He will drop something. Pick it up and you will now have a camera!

Cheat or Tip: You can remove the mask once you have the camera!

Now we need to head all the way right past the bowling alley into the next section. You will now be in the Zoo area. Continue right just past the chicken nuggets stand and you will find a bucket that you need to pick up.

Now head just right and stand on the ledge looking into the Polar bear cage/cave. Now you need to equip the pole that we found earlier. Use this pole to hit the little red button just under you.

This is kind of a little mini game here. You need to ultimately get that ball that the bear is playing with to come up to you so you can put it in your inventory. To do this, you need allow the far fan to blow the ball towards you and then hit the red button turning on yours to blow the ball up. With a little practice you will know what I mean!

Poptropica Timmy Failure Island Walkthrough

Once you have the ball we can go all the way back to the left past the next few sections and stop at the Failure’s house. We need to get Total’s attention again by throwing a rice crispy at him. Try leaving and Timmy will show up where he will give you another page to his detective journal. This journal page shows us how to make the Lazy Bear 2000 (This device monitors Total’s work activity) which we already have all the parts for except a box.

To find the box, head outside and go left into the next section. The box will be on top of the bush in the shape of a giraffe. You will need to take out the beach ball and Timmy will ask you to throw it to him. When you do this, the ball will deflect off his head knocking the box down!

Timmy Failure Island Game

Once you have the box, you will have all of the things you need to build the Lazy Bear 2000. Now you need to go back to Failure’s house (to the right in the next section) and build it!

Poptropica Timmy Failure Tutorial

When you get into the house, go to your items menu and use the box. Now we can monitor his partner to see what he is up to. With that part of Timmy Failure Island done, we now have another little mission that Timmy wants us to help him with. We are going to help Timmy monitor a classmate of his called Charles “Rollo” Tookus.

Cheat or hint: If you remember, Charles “Rollo” Tookus is the boy we passed on the playground with the word “Stanfurd” on his shirt!

Poptropica Timmy Failure Island – Investigating Charles “Rollo” Tookus the Classmate

To start, head out of the Failure’s house and head right until you get to the playground where you will find Charles “Rollo” Tookus stuck at the bottom of the slide! To get him out, climb up the other side of the slide and throw a Rice Crispy Treat down the slide! Total will then jump in and knock Charles out but will get stuck himself.

Now we will tell Charles there is a pop quiz tomorrow to try and get his head to bobble. We will need to answer a few questions which you can find below!

  • English
  • It’s only ten minutes long
  • The test will go on your permanent record

Once we have told him all of this, his head will bobble enough to knock Total out of the slide! This will also leave another page to the detective journal laying on the ground. Go ahead and pick it up to find out what we need to do next.

Poptropica Timmy Failure Island – Helping Molly Moskins Find Her Cat & Shoes

The next thing we are going to do is help a girl named Molly Moskins find her cat as well as her missing shoes. To do this, we need to do a few things.

First head back to the Failure’s house and we will find that the vacuum is broken. Check the Lazy Bear 2000 camcorder and you will see that there is a key stuck in it. Go to the vacuum and take out the screw driver that we found earlier. We will then find the Total Failure Office Key.

Now head to the right to the Total Failure Office door and unlock it using the key. We will now find some shoes. Now head back to Molly. She is at the same place where we met her.

When you get to get go ahead and use the shoes. She will give you money for them which you will use to try and get her cat out of the vending machine with! We will first need to turn the bills into coins though. To do this, we need to head all the way right back to the Zoo where the chicken nuggets stand is.

Cheat or Tip: On the way to the chicken nuggets stand you will find another page to the detectives journal laying on the ground.

When you get to the stand go ahead and use the money you got from Molly. You will get chicken nuggets back as well as some change!

Now head left into the next section and enter the bowling ally. When you get into the bowling ally, go to your menu and use the change on the vending machine right next to you where you will see Molly’s cat stuck. You will now get Molly’s cat as well as bon bons.

Take out the bon bons and give one to Total and he will start dancing. This will allow us to head right towards the bowling lanes and talk to a man who will tell us not to bother him. Now go back to Total and give him a rice crispy treat to get his attention again.

Poptropica Timmy Failure Screwdriver

Now leave the bowling ally and head left to Molly to talk to her. You will now give her back her cat and after the fact, you will see a garbage truck drive way and out the back of them you will see Timmy’s pants!

Once the truck passes it is time to investigate. You will automatically be taken to the next section on your left. From here, you will see yet another detective journal page on top of the first house. Use the windows to get to it and pick it up.

This page tells us exactly where his pants have gone! His mom keeps throwing them away. Now head right into the section you just came from going to the trash can in front of the “Office for Rent” sign. Again Total will pick up the trash and eat it and then lay down. Use his stomach to jump to the platform above you where you will find yet another page to the detective journal!

Now we need to climb to the very top of this building. Past where we climbed to before. Once you get there you will find Timmy. Go talk to him. Once you have talked to him, it looks like we need try and get a car. Jump all the way down to the ground from the top of this building and start heading left.

First we need to go to Timmy’s house and grab Total. Once we have him, head out of the house and go to the right into the bowling ally. Take out your bon bons and give one to Total. The front desk lady will then be distracted and you can go talk to the guy bowling. He will tell you that he will give you his car keys if you beat him in a game! Except his challenge and now to the mini game!

All you need to do in the bowling mini game is click on the lane when the ball is in the middle and you will roll a strike! Once you beat him, he will give you the keys to his car.

Now head out of the bowling ally, grabbing Total before you leave, and click on the car just outside. In the next section you will see that you have crashed the car into a house! Timmy will run up to you and say that you need a plan B to get his pants.

Plan B is to create the Totalmobile. You have most of the stuff but Timmy will give you another page to your detective journal showing you how to make it! The only thing we do not have is the wagon.

Now you need to head left back into Timmy’s house and grab Total one last time. Once you have him, head out of the house and go left into the next section. You will see the wagon sitting there. You will need to use the bon bons to distract the man watching the wagon.

Once you have the wagon, head right into the next section and go to Timmy. Now it is time for another mini game!

Cheat or Hint: Avoid the trash falling from the truck to win the mini game!

That is it for the Timmy Failure Island Cheats Guide! I hope it helps you get through the island with no troubles.

Be sure to come back for the next Poptropica Walkthrough we put together!

Need help completing Timmy Failure Island? Watch our full walkthrough above!
Or if you're looking for answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about Timmy Failure Island, read on!

How do I get Rollo out of the slide?

IslandThrow a crispy rice treat into the top of the slide. Total will chase after it and knock Rollo out, but get stuck himself.

Okay, then how do I get Total out of the slide?

If you can stress out Rollo enough, his head will vibrate hard enough to knock Total loose. Observe his reactions to your words. If his head starts to vibrate more, you're on the right track.

How do I get past the attendant in the bowling alley?

Use a bon bon to make Total dance. The attendant will be distracted and you can slip past.

You're ready! Play Timmy Failure Island on Poptropica now!

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