Poptropica Personality Quizzes

Players can register a parent email address with Poptropica. This allows the account password to be reset quickly using a password reset email sent to the parent. A child must have input a parent email address and the parent needs to have verified the email address before the 'forgot password' function will work. To reset the password, begin by entering the username in the Login box on the New Player/Login page, along with anything in the password box (do not leave it blank), and then click the 'Sign In' button. Poptropica will pop up an error box; close it, and Poptropica will display a red 'forgot password' button. Click that 'forgot password' button to get a popup asking if you want to send an email. Click the 'OK' button. Poptropica will send an email to the parent with instructions for creating a new password for the child's account. If the 'Forgot Password' button does not appear, it means the player's account does not have a parent email address recorded and verified for this purpose. You can contact customer service for assistance. Visit the 'Contact Us' page. Then reach the inquiry form by clicking Game Questions > Forgot Password.

What is GotoQuiz? A better kind of quiz site: no pop-ups, no registration requirements, just high-quality quizzes that you can create and share on your social network. Have a look around and see what we're about. Quiz topic: What Poptropica Island should I Live On.

Tribes of Poptropica

Poptropica Personality Quizzes Free

  • On the new poptropica island, you must choose a tribe! This decision can be easier now that I have made this quiz. Take this quiz! When you have free time, you like to. Your favorite colors are. If you could have one super-power, it would be to. If you are outside, you like to. If you could choose any weapon, you would pick a. Your favorite object is (a). Your favorite animals are.
  • Poptropica Quiz Searching for Poptropica Quiz? Do you need Poptropica Quiz related questions and answers? ReadCentral.com brings you free Tests, Quizzes and Trivia about books.
Since Poptropolis Games, you've been able to associate yourself with any of 8 'tribes.' They are called Flying Squid, Seraphim, Black Flags, Nightcrawlers, Nanobots, Yellowjackets, Pathfinders, and Wildfire. Outside of that island (and even inside it) they have little significance. But members of a tribe can get together in a common room exclusive to that tribe! Tribes can also be changed at will. Estimates vary, but as of May 2012, Wildfire is the most popular tribe (some say this estimate holds all the way to November 2013). Click the images below to learn more about each tribe's name and characteristics.


Wildfire is the most distinguished tribe of Poptropica:
  • Being the most popular tribe (as of May 2012 [source], and as of November 2013 [rumored, see below]). They comprise about 45% of Poptropicans.
  • Making the most points in the race to raise Poptropolis Games [source], and getting a statue on Main Street for it. Some complain that this is because the tribe's membership is overwhelmingly high.


The Nanobots are distinguished for two

Poptropica Personality Quizzes Quiz


Poptropica Personality Quizzes Answers

  • Having the best overall scores on Poptropolis Games [source].
  • Having the most awesome common room [citation needed]. You can time 4 separately-controlled instruments by clicking on a timeline. You can adjust the tempo at which these notes are played, and make music!
QuizzesI, Nice Hawk, founder and owner of Poptrickia, side with the Nanobots.

Tribal Common Rooms

The tribal common rooms are among the fanciest and most fun in all of Poptropica. Most are interactive and feature tons of detail themed to whichever tribe's room it is. Here are high-res screenshots of each room:
Normally you're restricted to your own tribe's common room, but there is a hack that cirvumvents this. You can visit a tribe's common room without actually joining that tribe. To do this, log in to Poptropica and then go to this page (DO NOT LOG OUT). Select a tribe room from the dropdown to the right and you'll be sent there! This hack is not very stable and may not work on some computer configurations.


Poptropica Personality Quizzes Questions

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