Poptropica Nabooti

Poptropica, a virtual world for kids to travel, play games, compete in head-to-head competition, and communicate safely. Kids can also read books, comics, and see movie clips while they play.

Arriving at the blimp, proceed to the Museum, talk to the lady beside the Nabooti Totem pole and she’ll give you the Africa map. Then go to the plane at the left and get in and fly. You’ll the map of Africa and your plane, the first place you should can be anywhere except Safari, Diamond mines and Giza.

Your mission in this island is to collect all 5 Jewels of the Nabooti Totem pole, their locations are: Blue Nile Falls, Mountains of the Moon, Kaya Forests, Giza, and the Diamond Mines.

Start on the Blue Nile Falls: Purple Jewel

The jewel if placed at the hidden path of the fall, you need to help the native girl to transfer her chicken, fox and corn feeds. It’s a little tricky, because if you don’t know how to transfer them in order, chicken will eat the corn feeds and fox will eat the chicken. Here is the order: First go across with the chicken, then with the feed but bring the chicken back. Then take the fox across then go back and get the chicken. After you help her, she will tell you about the secret cave behind a bush (on a rock to the right side). You can jump hard to the far right or climb from below.

Poptropica nabooti

Inside the cave, you must jump off the tall stones as soon as you land on them. It’s a bit challenging, if you fail to jump on the platform, you need to start all over again. The trick here is when jumping, point your mouse exactly where you want your character to land. You’ll find the Purple Jewel at the end of the cave. Before leaving Blue Nile Falls, you need to get blue Egyptian Lily at the top of the falls then you can return to Nabooti. Using the Egyptian Lily, talk to the lady on the Market and trade it for a turban. You will need this to get the next Jewel.

Next destination is the Mountains of the moon: Red Jewel

Go to the left, your aim is to go up the top of the mountain. This can be frustrating because you can easily fall all the way back down because of the goats and huge boulders, so be careful and have longer patience. At the top left corner of the mountain, you’ll find a lady that is curious about the fruit over the hill, get the opuntia fruit (cactus pear) and continue climbing. Go to the top right corner near the ice – beat the old man, he will challenge for a mini game Mancala, you’ll solve the puzzle really quick here. Whn you won, go inside the cave, just like o the Blue Nine Falls, you need to pass through to the platform, it’s much harder because the icy platforms are slippery, and if you fall you need to start over again. You will find a cell phone below, pick it up. You will find the Red Jewel at the end of the cave.

Next is the Kaya Forest: Green Jewel

Before you go to Kaya Forest, you need to go to Giza first, make sure you have your turban. Put on your turban and one of the tomb raiders will give you a shovel. You will see that a valuable item was recovered by the adventurer Vince. Before helping the tomb raiders, go back to your plain and go to the Kaya forests. On the Kaya Forests use the opuntia fruit to lure the tortoise(Big Turtle), it will reveal a hole and dig it up using the shovel, you will find the ebony elephant statue and two strange ghosts will appear. Click on the one on the left and he’ll tell you to return a Fingo to him for a reward. Head back to the plane. Before leaving, get the gold nugget in the palm tree next to the second hut. Go back to the Nabooti market and swap the nugget for a camera, and then the ebony elephant for the “fingo”. Return it to the spirits in Kaya and they will give you the Green Jewel as an exchange for the Fingo.

Poptropica Nabooti Diamond Mines

Now go to Giza: Blue Jewel

Make sure you still wear your turban and have your cellphone with you. Examine your shovel, there is a phone number 555-6789, it’s the number of Vince which is the supervisor of the tomb raiding. Vince will hear his phone and get inside the tent while he answers his men will run off. Go to the tent, pick the bag and get the moonstone. Put it atop the Sphinx statue and the door ill open. Keep walking forward until you reach a series of dashes on the wall.

When you click on one, the other three rotate by 90. So press each one of the horizontal lines exactly once and they will all line up horizontally. This allows you to take the upper path and avoid the scorpion.

When you reach the set of four blocks, push them off either side to recreate the design on the wall below. In the second puzzle, you need to push the blocks on top of the platform down and arrange them underneath to match the layout on the wall. It’s a little tougher than it first seems because you need to do things in a certain order that will look like the image on the wall. If you mess up, you can pull the reset handle and start over. Once you’re done, it will open the wall above. You’ll arrive at the next puzzle. Now you must jump up another series of platforms. Each one has different hieroglyphics (pictures) on it and you must jump on them in the correct order or they will all come crashing down and you’ll have to start over again. The correct order is: Jump on the picture of the person, then on the picture of the boat on water, then on the picture of the bird with the staff, then on the picture of the eye over the long shape. Then you can jump onto the row of bricks above your head. For the last puzzle, there are 2 big statues and 4 little statues. Count the dots on the bellies of the little ones. Flip the switches QUICKLY that drop each little statue in order (1 dot, 2 dots, 3, and 4) before the sand covers the switches. The small mummy case opens to reveal the Blue Jewel.

Fly to Safari and Diamond Mine for the Last Jewel: White Jewel

Poptropica Nabooti Giza

Fly to Safari, make sure you have your camera with you and get seven good photos of animals in safari for Zeke, who will give you a miner’s hardhat. You will need it to enter the Diamond Mine. The fly to Diamond Mine, enter the mine area and set the timer that turns off the electric fence, then quickly scramble up the conveyor to reach the hole in the barbed wire. Jump over the mine carts to reach the elevator. Once in the mine, blast the rock and the right wall with the explosive and the sparking wire. The first explosion removes the rock, the second blasts the wall. Ride the mine cart (duck and jump) to the diamond pile. There is a large black rock with diamonds still inside it. Click on the rock and you’ll play an easy mini-game where you need to find the final white Nabooti crystal with a magnifying glass. The Nabooti crystal is the one with a tiny inscription on it. It’s over on the left side and very easy to locate. Once you have it, climb up the rope and head back to your plane.

To the Nabooti, proceed to the museum, and put the jewels into the Nabooti totem in order: From the top Purple, Geen, Red, White, Blue. Watch what happens next…

Poptropica Nabooti Cheats

Congratulations, you’ve completed the Nabooti Island mission. Claim your medal as a reward!

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