Poptropica Lunar Colony Glitch

  1. Poptropica
  2. How To Beat Lunar Colony On Poptropica

Lunar Colony Island

An abandoned space station. A missing astronaut. A signal from beyond the stars. Blast off for a Poptropica adventure like no other! Get ready to explore the secrets of the lunar surface, and uncover a mystery as old as the cosmos...


Poptropica Cheats for Lunar Colony Island

Lunar Colony is an out-of-this-world astronaut adventure that takes you from Earth to the Moon and back, complete with a rocket launch, asteroids, lunar landings, zero gravity, and more! Here is the walkthrough for this island! There are 11 areas on the Lunar Colony map. Two before you reach the moon and nine on the surface.

Landed on the island safely? Good. Now talk to the crowd around you. Some of them seem to be excited about the very last space launch. This place seems to be the PASE headquarters, which I'll assume is something like NASA in the United States. In case you didn't know, that stands for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Continuing on... Walk to the right and talk to the retired astronaut there. According to him, much less people seem to be excited for space launches today than earlier times. Keep going right, to Mission Control. Now you know what PASE stands for, the POP ROPICA ACADE Y of SP CE EXP ORATION. Ehrrm, let me redo that. The Poptropica Academy of Space Exploration. Better, yes? Now slip past the lame security dog and talk to the guys in Mission Control. Due to the fact that the space program is out of money, everybody there has much more on their plate than they can handle. Now here comes Flight Director Slayton, who will ask you for your name. He's in too much of a hurry, what with the nauseous astronaut, and he'll cut you off many times. But now you know what to do -- go help out the sick astronaut!
Leave the building and run left, to Main Street. Snatch the bottle of Ginger Ale off the table there and run right, to the launch zone in the Mission Control area. Call the (unstable) elevator, then use it to go up to the top of the rocket. Enter and talk to Hatcher, the astronaut. Give him the ginger ale now. Aah, he feels better now. Hold that helmet for him while he gets his wallet from his car... hey, why'd he need a wallet in space? CLANG! Oh, no! He's locked the door and taken away the elevator! That ungrateful astronaut has made you take his place! Okay, you better get your act together now. Talk to Mission Control via the mic in the far right of the ship. The flight director will instruct you to strap yourself in and change the rocket thrust on both engines to 4,150 pounds.
Simply twirl those fancy-looking dials on the side of those booster engine thrust indicators to either side of your view, until the number 4150 is shown on both. Now the fuel tank 1 will start dropping. When it's at 5%, use the double arrows above the fuel tank indicators to switch to tank 2. Then open the orange cover over the tank release switch for tank one and flip it. Now pull the center stick back until you're flying at 112*, as shown on the screen to the right of the stick. Now enjoy the view! ...until you reach the asteroid belt. You have to swerve around the asteroids by moving your mouse around them... fairly simple. Just keep in mind that the ship isn't very maneuverable. Uh-oh! You've conquered the asteroids, but you've put a rupture in your fuel tank as well! Get out of the ship on the hose and grab the toolkit, which is just over and a little to the left of the point where you left the ship. Now get under the ship and float left. Click on the rupture and drag your mouse all over it to cover it up with cement, closing the gap. Now the flight director will switch you onto autopilot... wait, autopilot? How come you didn't tell me before?!
This next part is easy... just keep your mouse steady to keep the moon lander upright, and use the booster (by clicking) when the speed starts approaching the redzone. After you've landed, leave the lander and climb down the ladder. Hurry right, to the base, past the airlock (which can be opened by clicking the door). Now you're inside the moon base! Remember that our mission here is to find the missing Dr. Salerno, who has somehow stopped replying to our transmissions. Enter the vehicle bay and run all the way left, exploring all the way. Jump to the next floor and walk right to the lockers. Click on the open one to pick up a book: GatOS operating manual. Assuming OS means Operating System, this must be full of computer instructions -- most likely ones to do basic programming operations. Read the manual to confirm this. Now close it and go to the very right of the very top floor. Press the picture of the sun to open the natural light. Find the closest curved mirror -- it's just to the left of you. Tilt it using your mouse to aim the light at the other mirror, which is just under the sunlight switch floor. Aim that mirror at the one at the other end of the room, and aim that one to point the light to the solar panel on the rover. It's fully charged now! Hop on to start driving.
Now why don't we enter that rusty-looking rover? Actually, let's leave this room and go to the barracks next door for more clues before we go gallivanting around the moon. Explore the first floor, then go up the ladder (avoiding the temptation to play some of those video games in the far right, of course.) On the second floor, there isn't much to explore besides the nauseating exercise machines to the far right, so hurry on up to the third floor. Go left here and click on the open locker between bunk beds #7 and #8. Then climb to the top bunk of #8 and collect the book there, which belongs to Dr. Salerno, the woman we're looking for. So presumably this is her bunk. Look through her notebook and the scrapbook and you'll find that (besides the fact that she treated the dog like another person) she had some obsession over a certain number 4. The notebook is full of algebraic expressions, all surrounded by the words 'Where is number 4?' So maybe one or all of those equations are supposed to equal 4, but for some reason they don't, and that must be important. But for now, put away both books and walk up the ladder to the fourth floor, where you'll find a map of the moon with the words 'Where is number 4?' written on it. Click on it to begin a talk with the Flight Director. According to him, Salerno was on a wild-goose chase (chasing number 4, maybe?) and her suit is sending a tracking signal. If you can find the right locator, it'll tell you where she is.
We'll get to that eventually, but for now keep going left and click on the computer. Open up the e-mail and you'll be on Dr. Salerno's account. Read through the recent e-mails with Dr. McNabb, starting from the last one on the list. It looks like, while the space program was being closed, Salerno was up on the moon by herself, on a wild goose-chase with the number 4. She seems to have found strange structures and evidence of alien life on the moon! But Dr. McNabb is not amused and has sent someone (you) to go and bring her to Earth. Okay, now back out of the e-mail and click on Facilities Control. Oh, darn, it needs a password! Turn off the computer now and open the GatOS manual. Look through some of the commands. You'll notice the symbols correspond to the buttons next to the computer screen. Fire up the computer and type in the 'reboot' command: [square], [cycle arrows], [circle], [x]. The computer will restart and the admin access reset--which means that you can now do pretty much anything with the computer without any of those pesky password prompts! You'll be presented with the vehicle bay doors control when you start it up. The door is apparently jammed, so use the slider next to the screen to open them. Just drag the stick to the top. Now leave the computer screen and head to the vehicle bay. Hop into the rover and drive left, to the airlock.
Now you're out on the moon! Ride the rover by pointing and clicking. Do bear in mind, please, that the rover is not very maneuverable. That being said, let's start exploring! Drive straight up until you find another building, the Research Institute. But don't enter it yet. Keep driving up until you see a strange yellow rock. Click on it to examine. Whoa! It's huge, glowing, and it's got incomprehensible symbols written over it. Maybe Salerno was right about the 'strange structures' and 'evidence of alien life'! That is very interesting. Wanna see another? Drive straight down, past the research institute and main building, and there will be a green one somewhere there. This is getting creepy! A third one can be found near the bottom left corner, past the Bio Dome. Okay, ignore those for now and enter the research facility by clicking on the entrance. Uh-oh... there's a huge meteor blocking the entrance! The Flight Director will instruct you to use your rover's winch to haul it away. So click on the little hook in front of the rover and bring it over to the hunk of metal on the rock by clicking on it. Your rover will pull it away, and you can enter. Walk left and open the computer. Read the eye color research...
Huh. It says that changing people's eye colors does not decrease ability to see, and that purple eye colored people can bypass retinal scanners. Maybe the info will come in handy, but for now close this journal and open the new one, which simply says that changes in air pressure temporarily change a person's shape. Creepy, but not particularly useful. Shut off the computer and walk all the way left. Then jump from the big crates up to the next floor. This is the eye color changing station! Maybe we should change our Poptropican's eye color to purple. It might not look great, but it'll let us bypass the eye scanners. Simply click the station, then click the bottom-most color, purple. Then (ignoring your hideous eye color,) jump to the suspended platform to your left, and then to the other part of the second floor to your left.
Nothing very interesting here, just some nonsense about nuclear hamster power. Maniacs. Jump to the floor above you... nope, nothing here besides a bio-waste container. Jump up and to your right now, to the pressure chamber. Okay guys, this next part is gonna look weird... you know what, just walk right and flick the 'HIGH' switch. AAAAA! Yes, I know your Poptropican has been squashed, but it's temporary! Now run right and drop down past the platforms and run all the way left. Jump over the crates and slip past them in your smaller state. Be warned that this needs to be done very fast! Don't despair if it takes several tries. Enter the door. Now you're in the infirmary... in the midst of a gravity malfunction! The whole room will tilt as you move around to find the locator that the Flight Director just told you about. Run left and pick up the hose. Now this next part is so extremely, insanely, madly disorienting that putting it into words would sound like... gibberish. So I made a video. Follow it, it's right down here...
NOTE:In the video, I'm not holding the hose... but when you're playing it, you should be holding it. Just sayin'.
After you've gotten to the maintenance area, bring the hose to the small gray vent. The water will blast out of the big vent, pushing the beeping locator out with it. Pick it up and put it in your backpack, then click on the bio-waste door to the left to exit this madhouse. Drop down and leave the research facility. Now open up the locator you found. Hey! Salerno is hiding in the Bio-dome in the bottom left of the map! What are you waiting for? Go after her! Assuming you're inside the Bio-Dome now... Hey! This building has no artificial gravity! That's okay, no problem for us, right? Float slowly all the way right, to the Emergency Cork Dispenser. Press the button to get one and click on it to grab it. Take it up to the water-spraying nozzle above you and click on it when it stops to clog it. Now go back down, pick another cork, and come back up. Float left and clog all of those nozzles you can see using corks. Done? The last one will be right next to a ladder. Climb it.
Float a little left... There she is, hiding behind the supplies! Talk to her. She's talking about those strange structures you saw outside a while ago. And get this: carbon dating shows those structures to be older than the moon itself! So not only are they extremely radioactive, they had to be placed here, presumably by aliens. Oh, come on... she's talking nonsense, right? She'd better come with us. Uh-oh! She just busted out of the dome! Pick up her dropped key card, exit the bio-dome, and follow her. This part is simple because the computer does the following for you. She's entered the Rock Laboratory! Follow her there... uh-oh, you need an eye scan and key card to continue. Well, we have the key card, but... hey! Remember the research facility, where we learned that purple eyes can bypass retinal eye scanners? We can get in! Just use the key card and wait for the scan. Then enter the airlock.
Use the controls to point the conveyor belt downwards and spin it clockwise. Go down there... and pass the next conveyor belt. You'll see another set of controls. Make this one aim downwards and spin counter-clockwise. Go down... make this next conveyor aim down and spin clockwise. Do this to get to the bottom floor. Run right until you see another set of controls. Make it aim down and spin clockwise, then hop on. At the next controls, make the belt aim up and spin counter-clockwise. Run up, passing another belt. Make this one spin clockwise and aim up. Run all the way up and enter the door there. Darn it, you lost her! Oh well... maybe we can look for something interesting in here... walk left and click on the red rectangular glowing thingy. Ah-ha! So Salerno affixed the locator device to the robot to mislead us!


Let's continue anyway. Walk right, past the door, and jump up to the upper floor using the crate as a booster. Whisk the cloth off that thing here... oh, it's just some useless machine. Jump up to the next platform and take off that cover... ah-ha! It's the Geiger counter she was looking for! (In case you're wondering, a Geiger counter measures radiation in an area and can be used to find radioactive objects. Remember those strange glowing rocks?) The Flight Director has signaled your rover into the room, so all you have to do now is find out how to move the counter. Now: go to the platform with the counter and jump right, to the platform with the metal poles around it. Click on the leftmost pole to push it over. Then get back to the counter and move it down the platform and onto the rover. Perfect! Now all we have to do is use it to find the fourth alien structure and bring Salerno out! Let's go.
The last mysterious rock can be found a way under the rock lab. Just drive straight down. But this one seems to be underground. Let's examine. It's kind of hard to see since it's underground, so attach the winch on your rover to the rock to pull it out. Hey! It'll start emitting a strong purple light in some direction. If you get out of your rover and follow it, then you'll find that it'll merge with another green light coming from the green artifact. In fact, all of the rocks are emitting beams which merge with the ones directly across from them, and intersecting in the center/middle of the moon surface. Let's find the center again. Go where the lights cross and click ENTER. Here comes Salerno! Walk to the mound to the left and talk to her. Since we're here already, we're not going to immediately take her home... let her dig now. Hey--what's that rumbling? Aaaaa! You've fallen down the shaft!
You'll see the big circular door opening... go through it, with Salerno following you. Walk through the hallway-thing, looking at the pictures. They seem to be showing Earth at various phases in its history, from the dinosaur times to the present day. At the same time, all of the pictures have an image of the moon there, with the towers in various phases of development. At the third picture, you find that the aliens have been waiting for us to come. Keep going into the next room and look at the strange machine in the center. Hey, there's a switch over here! Run right and flick the switch. Then look at the circle thing in the middle of the room. It appears to be a portal into the aliens' world! You try to stop Salerno, but she's too determined. She's gone.
BACK AT MISSION CONTROL... You're back to Earth... just in time to receive a surprise transmission from space. It's Salerno, on the alien world! She's holding up a sign that says just... 'Mission Accomplished' Ah, well. It seems this will be our last message from her. Hey, here comes Director McNabb! He tells us how Salerno got people excited about space again, and that the President has agreed to give any amount of funding we need to continue the space program! Hooray! And for you, a medal of honor. Snatch it and head home. Or will you..?

Members-only Alien Transmission Bonus Quest

If you're not a Poptropica Member, then it's the end of the story for you. But otherwise... Hey, there's another transmission coming in! But this one appears to be not only from an alien planet, but in some unintelligible code. We need to enlist someone else's help. Hey, they have an idea! Alan Turing! Wait... isn't he dead? Okay, never mind. We'll pretend for this game. He apparently lives in the Shady Pines Retirement place to the west of here. Let's get going! Leave mission control and go left, to Main Street. Run left and get on the bus. It'll take you to the retirement center. Run right and click on the buzzer system. There's no 'Alan Turing' written on here... but #3A, 'Grant Luina', is an anagram for 'Alan Turing'. Click on it to buzz. Well, that didn't work. Try clicking the nameplate five times quickly. Yes! The letters have rearranged to spell 'Alan Turing!' Buzz it again, and Turing will burst out of the building. He'll accompany you back to Mission Control. What you have to do after the message is printed is bring drag a letter on the slide rule and then click on a space in the drawings on the paper pad to find possible solutions. Thankfully for us, the letters are in some alphabetical order. Impatient? Confused? Here's the solution:
  • # shaped pad one: A, B, C are across the top, D, E, F across the middle row, and G, H, I are across the bottom row
  • # shaped pad two: N, O, P across the top row, Q, R, S across the middle, and T, U, V for the bottom
  • X shaped pad one: J is on the top, K on the left, L on the right, and M for the bottom section
  • X shaped pad two: W is in the top section of the X, X is in the left part, Y on the right, and finally Z for the bottom
Hey, a message has appeared now! Those are coordinates to a specific place in our universe. After pointing our satellite there, we get another cool picture, and another message that's solved in the same way as the first. After solving that one, we get another otherworldly picture. You can try this as many times as you want, getting a variety of pictures from space. Have fun! And click on this awesome Wikipedia article to learn more about Pigpen ciphers.
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No Video Walkthrough

Written Walkthrough

You’ve landed in Poptropica and I bet you’re thinking “Hey, waittaminute, this isn’t a Lunar Colony!”, right? We’ll get there in a second. Most of Lunar Colony Island is spent on the moon, but we have to get there first.

Run to your right and enter the mission control in the PASE building and go inside. Once you’re in there, speak to both of the controllers and their director will come in and ask why no one has been taking care of the astronaut who looks a bit sick. He will yell at you and you need to click on him and select the last option “I –” and he will send you on a mission to help out the astronaut.

Exit Mission Control and run to your left, back to where the older man was on the stage. You’ll notice that he left behind a bottle. Pick up the bottle of Ginger Ale and then head to your right, past Mission Control, to the Launch Area. Stand in the middle of the elevator scaffolding and press the elevator button to have it come down. Jump up onto the elevator and then press the button again to zoom to the top. Be careful not to move or jump, as it may force you off of the elevator platform.

Once you have made it to the top, run to your right and enter the rocket to help out the astronaut. Once you’re inside the rocket, open up your inventory, use the Ginger Ale and you’ll make him feel better. He’ll hand you his helmet and ask you to hold it and then close the door behind him. HEY, we didn’t sign up for this!! Nevertheless, we are off to space! Click the headset on the right of the rocket to put it on.

Outer Space

As you hurtle toward outer space, you need to do a variety of things you aren’t trained for, and Mission Control will guide you on what to do. To start with, you’ll need to adjust the boosters on the bottom right and left to both say 4150. Click and drag on the booster control, down to decrease and up to increase. You may need to fiddle with them for awhile before getting it right.

Next, you’ll need to switch the fuel tanks and jettison them at the right time. The fuel tank controls are on the upper left. When the left fuel tank is near 5%, click the little arrow pointing at the “1″ so it points at “2″. Then, click the switch at the bottom of Fuel Tank #1 twice to make it drop off. Now, you’ll need to adjust the angle of the ship by using the control stick in the middle. Pull it down and adjust it until the display says 112.

Poptropica Lunar Colony Glitch

The second fuel tank will start to run out of fuel, while you’re waiting, click the Morale Boost to pop up a bobblehead on the dashboard — it’s pretty amusing! Once the fuel tank gets low, click the switch below the second tank to release it from the ship and then sit back and watch your journey through space.

Asteroid Field

Poptropica lunar colony glitch 2

You’ll encounter an asteroid field and you’ll have to navigate your ship through the asteroids and avoid as many of them as possible. The ship has really great controls (move the mouse wherever you want it to go), so it shouldn’t be terribly hard. You are allowed to bump some out of the way if you don’t have a path to move forward.

Once you’re through the asteroid field, you’ll realize that there’s a hole in the ship that needs to be repaired. You’ll need to spacewalk! Now, float to your left on top of the ship and click on the panel near the front that says “Toolkit”. This will expose the orange Tool Kit box — click on it to grab it and then float to your right, back to the front of the ship and go underneath it and head to your left.

Stay as close to the ship as you can because there are asteroids flying around still that can knock you off balance. You should see the air leak, so just go over to it and click on it. Your toolkit has a putty / foam that you can use to patch up the leak. Use as much as you need to cover the entire area and the game will eventually tell you that you are done automatically. You’ll then go to sleep while the ship goes on autopilot to lunar orbit around the moon.

Moon Lander

Now that we’ve entered orbit, we need to land on the moon and you have to control the moon lander very precisely for a safe landing. The moon lander will drop out of the rocket and start falling straight down. The best strategy is to put your mouse just above the moon lander so that it continues to drop straight down and then click the mouse a few times as you go down to “boost” the ship and slow it down so you don’t crash. After a few tries, you’ll get the hang of it.

Moon HQ

Now we are on the surface of the moon, let’s go find Salerno and bring her back to Poptropica! Head inside and go in the first door to enter the Vehicle Bay, jump up to the second level and check the third locker to find the GatOS book. This is a cute play on the Spanish word “Gato” for cat, if you notice the cover. Head out of the Vehicle Bay to the Barracks on the right and go inside.

Climb the ladder on the right until you get to the third level. Jump to your left and go over to the locker between bunks 7 and 8. Click the locker to get the photo album. Then, jump up to the bed on the left to pick up the notebook. You can read them to find out more information about Salerno’s experience here on the Lunar Colony and also why she doesn’t want to return home.

Run to your right and head up the ladder to the top level. You can check out the map tosee more of Salerno’s studies, as well. Head all the way to the left and click on the computer terminal that is on. There are a number of emails that you can read in order to find out more about Salerno, but it is optional.

We need administrator access to the terminal so we can open the inner door to the Vehicle Bay, so you’ll need to use your GatOS manual to enter the proper code to reboot the system. Refer to the picture on the right that shows you the proper reboot code highlighted in red. Once you press those symbols on the right side of the terminal, the system will reboot. Then just drag the lever on the left up to open the door!

Head down the ladder and to your left to exit the Barracks and head back into the Vehicle Bay.

Now that we have the door open, we just need to power up the moon rover. The Moon Rover is solar-powered, so you’ll need to head to the top level of the Vehicle Bay. Once you are up top, you need to make sure that the right side of the roof is open. If it is already open, you are all set! If not, jump up to the top left and click the panel to open the right side.

There are 3 reflector dishes that you will need to adjust to direct the sunlight to the Moon Rover. The first one is on top in the middle. Adjust it to point down at around 45 degrees. Then drop down to the next level to your right and adjust the second reflector. Make sure that the light from the top reflector is being directed at the second reflector and that the second reflector is also sending off a beam of light. Adjust it to point down, as well. Finally head down another left and to the left to adjust the final reflector. Again, make sure light is coming to the reflector and that it is sending off a light beam. Adjust it down a bit and the light beam will hit the Moon Rover, giving it an instant charge!

Jump down to the bottom level and jump into the Moon Rover — it’s time to have some fun off-roading on the Moon! Once you get outside, you will notice that there is a digital map on your upper-right. If you click it, you will see that there are 3 other buildings on the Moon and we’ll end up visiting all of them.

The first one you’ll want to visit is the Laboratory building on the upper-right. Drive your Moon Rover to the lab once you’re done having fun doing doughnuts all over the place!

The Lab

Once you arrive, a meteor will be blocking your path to enter the lab — no problem! Head back over to your Moon Rover and click on the hook attached to the winch on the vehicle. Run back to your left and attach it to the meteor. Your Moon Rover will pull the meteor out of the way and you can head to your left and enter the lab.

As you go in, jump up to the next level right above your head and click on the “Eye Color Changing Station” to go inside and change your eye color. You’ll need to change them to purple (violet) so that you can get past the retinal scanner later in the game, so go ahead and do it now. Once you have changed your eye color, jump up to the top and toward the middle of the building to the Pressure Chamber.

Click the “High” switch to make yourself really short and then quickly run to your left and drop all the way to the bottom of the building. You’ll notice two blocks stacked on top of each other with a small space above them. Jump up and squeeze through the small space before the Pressure Chamber effect wears off. Don’t worry, if you mess up, you can always go back and shrink yourself again until you get it right.

How To Beat Lunar Colony On Poptropica

We’re almost done with this building, but now comes the hard part. Click the door to enter the infirmary, which is actually a complicated maze! Run to your left until you see the red hose that says “Caution: Do not use this hose to clean out vents”. Well, we might be breaking the rules here, but grab the hose and you’ll need to navigate the maze in a specific pattern to get to the maintenance area.

If you don’t take the right route, you will run out of hose and have to go back and start over. Refer to the image on the right (click to enlarge it) so that you can make sure you have the perfect route to get through the maze. Once you have entered the maintenance area, click on the small vent and you will use the hose to blow the Locator Device out of the vent system. Run over and pick it up.

Now, just head to your left a little bit and click on the “Bio Waste” hatch to exit the Infirmary without having to go all the way back through the maze. We’re done with the laboratory and now it’s time to head to a new building, so run out and head to your Moon Rover!

Hydroponic Bio Dome

Now you’ll want to head to the building on the lower-left of the map, which is a Hydroponic Bio Dome being used to grow plants on the Moon. There’s no security on this building so head right in and you’ll notice there’s no gravity in the building and you’ll float around. The physics are almost identical to swimming in Poptropica, so control your Poptropican as if they are swimming.

Head to the right and click on the Emergency Cork Dispenser. Click the cork when it comes out — you’ll need it and a bunch more of them in a second. Float up a little bit and you’ll see a nozzle blasting out air, get behind the nozzle and then click on the front of the nozzle to stick the cork in. Make sure you stay behind the nozzle, or else it will hit you with air and knock the cork away and you’ll have to pick it up and try again. You’ll need to go back to the Emergency Cork Dispenser again, and then continue along your path through the trees. There will be 5 total nozzles that you need to plug with the corks.

Once you have plugged all of the nozzles, head up into the top area of the building. You’ll notice a figure hiding behind some of the supplies at the top of the room. Float over and you will find Salerno, at last! But wait, she has something to say and she doesn’t want to return to Poptropica with you and must complete her mission to find alien life. She’ll open up the air lock on the right and get away!

One the airlock closes behind her, you’ll notice that she drops a Key Card on the floor in the right corner. You’ll need this to get into the final building, which requires a retina scan, which you already have violet / purple eyes for and a Key Card. Grab the Keycard and head back out of the bio dome. In the “cork” room, you can float along the top to the right so you don’t have to go through the trees again. Once you are back in your Moon Rover, a chase scene will play out. You will automatically chase Salerno to the final building on the upper-left of your map.

Last building

Click on the “Eye Scan and Keycard Required” unit and after it scans your eyes, it will let you in to the air lock. In the next room, there are a variety of conveyor belts that you can angle up and down and change their direction. The top control panel of each belt controls the angle of the conveyor belt and the bottom pannel controls the direction.

Set each successive conveyor belt to point down and the direction of travel away from you, so you can make your way all the way to the ground floor. If you want, you can check out some of the cool experiments on the different levels, like a Rock Granulizer, Pulverization station, etc.

Once you are on the ground floor, run to your right and use the next set of conveyor belts to head up to the top of the building. You’ll finally end up on the upper-right, then click Enter to enter the door. When you get there, you’ll realize that Salerno has “given you the slip” and put the locator device on a robot and is nowhere to be found!

Jump up on the platform in the middle of the room and click the sheet. One of the large metal supports will fall down to the left. Run to your left and run along the support to the upper-left platform. Click the sheet to reveal a Geiger Counter! This is exactly what Salerno needs, maybe we can use it to find her!

Your Moon Rover will roll into the building. All you need to do is get on the left of the Geiger Counter and walk toward it to push it across the platform, down the metal support and right into your Moon Rover. Now you’ll notice that you have a Geiger Counter display in the lower-left of your screen. It’s already near the red, so we must be close to what we’re looking for.

All you need to do to find the 4th alien structure is go down from the building, slightly to the left. Go slow and use the Geiger Counter to aid you, it’ll get more and more in the red the closer you get to the structure. It isn’t far from the building, and you’ll see a purple-colored X on the surface. Click it and you’ll enter the area. If you head to your left, you will see it partially sticking out of the ground, but it “seems buried really deep in the ground” — no problem! Use the hook to the winch on your moon rover and you will pull the alien structure out of the ground and a bright light will appear at the top!

Poptropica Lunar Colony Glitch

Jump into your Moon Rover and follow the purple laser beam toward the middle of the map. Go slow and follow along and you will find a point where the purple light beam crosses a red beam. Once you are there, click the point where they cross to enter. Run to your left and Salerno will appear with a shovel. She’ll dig a few times and you will fall under the surface of the Moon together!

Run all the way to the right, and click on the switch with the alien handprint in front of the pink light. This will open up a portal to an alien world and Salerno will decide to go through the portal. Mission Control will bring you back to Poptropica and everyone will be sad that they’ll never hear from Salerno again. Just as you are about to leave, there will be an incoming message from SETI from Salerno showing everyone proof that there is an alien civilization!

The Director of PASE will come in and award you with the medal. Congratulations, you’ve beat Lunar Colony Island!

Bonus Quest Walkthrough

The Bonus Quest will begin with a bunch of messages coming from the alien planet from Salerno, but no one can decode them. The scientists will send you to a retirement community to find Alan Turing, the inventor of the Turing test. Head out of Mission Control and run to your left, past the stage and the beginning of the island.

You’ll notice that there’s a bus what wasn’t there before. Click it to get in and go to the Shady Pines Retirement Village. Click the buzzer to enter the building and there will be a list of residents, none of which is Alan Turing. Of course, his is in code! It is always apartment number 3A, so go down to the second to last one (3A) and click the letters on the name to rearrange them until it says “ALAN TURING”.

Once you’ve done that click the 3A button and Alan Turing will come out of the retirement village and return to mission control with you so that you can decode the transmissions. He’ll give you a tutorial on how to solve the code, and the solution is actually quite easy and surprisingly repetitive and dull because the code solution is always the same each time and you have to do it four times in a row. Just slide to each letter and place them in the grid as shown in the picture below. Just copy it 4 times (the final letter where my mouse cursor is a “Y”) and you’ll beat the bonus quest!

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