Poptropica A Whisker From Cerberus

The Whisker From Cerberus is one of the Five Sacred Items you must get in Mythology Island. To obtain this item you must first go to Apollo’s temple and get a reed pipe. Then talk to the muse with the pipe and she will challenge you to a memory game. Beat this game and she will give you a magic tune.

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Island(s)Mythology Island
Character TypeEnemy

Cerberus is a three-headed canine in Greek Mythology. It is seen guarding the Underworld on Mythology Island.

  • 1Storyline

Storyline[edit | edit source]

Role on Mythology Island[edit | edit source]

If you go to Apollo's temple on the roof, you'll find a hint: As you look at a glowing olive, Athena says, 'Music soothes the savage beast.' Inside the temple, go to right so you can get a reed pipe. Go to Euterpe, the muse with the reed pipe, and do what she says. She'll then give you a memory test. If you pass, she'll give you the musical score and tells you that you can use the music to put Ceberus to sleep. You'll find him at the other side of River Styx. Zeus asks you to get one of his whiskers, which you soon discover that it is impossible, since he bites you if you try.To defeat him, use the pipe and a song to put him to sleep, allowing you to take one of his whiskers.

Role In Poptropica Adventures[edit | edit source]

In the events of Poptropica Adventures, Cerberus got very ill and Hades was trying to create a cure. Since Hermes had lost his winged hat and is unable to deliver anything, he asked you to deliver the final ingredient to Hades. Once it gets there, you must help him by catching the different liquids as he throws them down to you, then he will jump down and create a medicine to cure Cerberus.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

  • Cerberus asleep

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • He's about three poptropicans high.
  • He also has three tails.
  • It is similar to the Hydra in a few ways. Both are found in Mythology Island, both have more than 1 head, and both have to be put to sleep in order to obtain an item from their bodies.
  • It wears golden earrings (one for each head) and three spiked dog collars.
ItemsBag of Wind | Drachma | Giant Pearl | Golden Apple | Hades' Crown | Hydra's Scale | Island Medallion | Pipe Tune | Pomegranates | Poseidon's Trident | Rare Flower | Reed Pipe | Ring from the Minotaur | Sacred Items Scroll | Starfish | Teleportation Mirror | Whisker from Cerberus
LocationsGarden Of The Sphinx | Grove of Temples | Hades' Realm | Hades' Throne | Hydra's Cave | Labyrinth Entrance | Labyrinth | Main Street | Mount Olympus | Pit of Hades | Poseidon's Beach | Poseidon's Realm | Poseidon's Throne | River Styx | Tree Base | Tree Top | Zeus' Throne
CharactersAeolus | Aphrodite | Apollo | Ares | Artemis | Athena | Cerberus | Charon | Demeter | Hades | Hephaestus | Hera | Hercules | Hestia | Hydra | Medusa | Minotaur | Pan | Poseidon | Scorpion | Sphinx | Styx Crocodile | Titan | Triton | Zeus
ResourcesWritten Guide | Map | Tour
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There’s less than a week to go before Poptropica Mythology Island becomes playable for everyone (right now, only paid members can play). To celebrate the upcoming public launch, we’re doing spotlights on some of the characters you’ll meet on Mythology Island.


Poptropica A Whisker From Cerberus Free


Hades, God of the Dead and ruler of the underworld, was one of the most feared gods in all of Greek Mythology. In fact, the Greeks were so afraid of him that they refused to call him by name. Instead, most Greeks just referred to him as Pluto. He is the brother of Zeus and Poseidon and when they conquered the Titans, the three brothers divided the world between them. Hades must have gotten the shortest straw.

Hades after giving up his crown in Poptropica

In Poptropica, you’ll encounter Hades when you visit his realm to get his help in stopping Zeus from taking over all of Poptropica. Before you can get into Hades’ throne room, you’ll need to finish your quest to find five items. Part of that quest will take you into the underworld realm. One of the tasks will be to get a whisker from Cerberus, who is the guardian of the underworld. Later, Hercules will help you get inside the throne room of Hades, where you will meet him and enlist his help. Hades will give you his crown to help you in your fight against Zeus.

In Greek Mythology, the crown of Hades was very powerful. It was crafted by the Cyclopes, the powerful one-eyed creatures who were born to Gaia and Uranus. Yeah, I said Uranus. Go ahead and snicker. Anyway, the crown (sometimes it’s called a helmet) was used by Perseus to help him defeat the Medusa. You’ll use the crown to help make you powerful enough to face Zeus in the final battle at the top of Mount Olympus.

Poptropica A Whisker From Cerberus Dog

There’s another important reference to the mythology of Hades in this quest. When you first travel to the underworld, you’ll need to place a pomegranate on Hades’ altar as an offering to get inside. This is a reference to the legend of Persephone, who Hades kidnapped and brought to the underworld to be his wife. She was freed by Zeus, but before she left he gave her a pomegranate which she ate. This bound her to stay in the underworld for part of each year. The legend is that this is the winter-time and her absence from Earth is why nothing grows during the winter.

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