Poptropica 24 Carrot Computer Password

Poptropica cj password

24 Carrot Island Walkthrough 24 Carrot Island is a fun quest in Poptropica where your goal to to help a town that has been robbed of all of its carrots. This adventure will take you deep into the secret lair of the evil Dr. Hare, who has secretly stolen all the carrots for a nefarious plan.


Poptropica 24 Carrot Youtube


Seventh, you have to talk to the mayor and he will give you the 24 Carrot Island medallion. For more information about the thing called Poptropica Carrot Island computer password, please visit the official website of Poptropica. This one is the best source when it comes to Poptropica but it is not the only one that you can visit. Mar 08, 2020 How to Beat 24 Carrot Island on Poptropica. On 24 Carrot Island, the evil Dr. Hare has robbed a town of its carrots for himself. The password to the computer is.

Poptropica Cheats Carrot Island

  1. SOLUTION # 1
  2. Talk to the crying mayor, and he will tell you that the town is deteriorating because all of their carrots have disappeared.
  3. Visit Charlie's Carrot Surplus where the clerk tells you her cat is missing, and may be by the farmhouse.
  4. Head left to Carrot Farm.
  5. Go to the old house and enter it by the chimney.
  6. Go right and take the bowl that you find next to the couch.
  7. Go back to town and visit the Carrot King Diner. Take the bowl to the waitress and ask her to fill it up with milk.
  8. Go back to the farmhouse and put the bowl down where you found it.
  9. Go to the right and climb the electric wire to get upstairs. Go left until you reach the bathroom. Turn on the shower by twisting the handles. The cat will jump out.
  10. Click on the cat until it goes downstairs to drink the milk. It will now follow you.
  11. Go back to town and give the clerk her cat. She will give you a crowbar (you will need this later on).
  12. Go to the Carrot Factory.

  13. At the factory:
  14. Get the blueprints from the boarded window.
  15. Climb down near the icky water to the right of the building and use the crowbar to get inside.
  16. Walk to the left until you find the Carrot Transporter.

  17. Entering the factory:
  18. Climb up and go right. The last two moving floor sections may take a while to get past. (Try to stop between them.)
  19. Continue climbing up. Dodge the rat, and go up to the main factory room.
  20. To turn on the power, move the middle switch all the way down and the other two switches to the middle. Once it is turned on, jump up and hop on the moving claw near the top. This will take you right to the vent system.
  21. First, head for the PROCESSING ROOM (on the lower left). Use the blueprints you found earlier to find your way around the vent system.
  22. On your way to the PROCESSING ROOM, you will pick up a pair of wire cutters.
  23. If you enter the room, the robot guard will transport you out of there, to :
  24. The FREEZER room . In the FREEZER, you will find a security box. Cut the wires and leave.

  25. The password:
  26. Go to the PRINTER ROOM. You can disable the rabbot ears controlling the worker there (who is being mind-controlled). You do this by pressing the ears' blue control button (C) when her back is turned. She will show you a piece of paper that prints out. (It reads, 'System Password: fuzzybunny'.)

  27. Rabbot ears:
  28. Go to the PROCESSING ROOM. With the security system disabled, the flying rabbot guard will not appear.
  29. Release the workers from their mind control. You will see that the evil Dr. Hare's plant is stealing all the island's carrots to process into Rocket Fuel chemicals. Go to the big metal doors on the right that says EXIT. Because you don't have rabbot control ears, it drops you through the trap door instead. It will take you to a room with giant smashing machines.
  30. Make your way down the belt without getting squirted or smashed flat. At the far side, you will find a pair of rabbot ears. Climb out.

  31. How to defeat Dr. Hare:
  32. Make sure you are wearing your rabbot ears when you go to EXIT door.
  33. The door will open and Dr. Hare will be waiting for you. He assumes you are under his control and orders you to launch the GIANT SPACE RABBOT.
  34. Climb up Dr. Hare's rabbot and go to the right side by the computer. Deactivate the person's rabbot ears so he will let you use the computer. Type in the password from before (fuzzybunny) and the task (launch rabbot).
  35. A little screen will pop up, kind of like a video game. Use the joystick to steer the GIANT SPACE RABBOT into the meteors to crash it.
  36. When you defeat Dr. Hare and his rabbot, follow the released slave up the rope to the left, and go back to Main Street. All of the citizens are grateful.
  37. Talk to the mayor and he'll give you the 24 Carrot Island medallion.

  38. Before you leave, check the farmhouse. The carrots are no longer being stolen.
  39. --------
  40. SOLUTION # 2
  41. Go down from the ruined '24 Carrot Island' sign. Ask the Mayor what happened.
  42. Go left. Jump up on the porch rail, climb onto the roof, and go down the chimney. (Talking to the farmer is completely optional.)
  43. Pick up the Empty Bowl on the floor and leave. (There is a cat on the second floor- it runs away from you if you get too close.)
  44. Go right. Enter the Carrot King diner (which is the first building you see) and talk to the waitress. She will fill the bowl with milk.
  45. Head back for the farmhouse. Set the Bowl of Milk down (downstairs - you can't bring it farther). Climb up to the second floor, and spin the shower faucet. The cat will jump out. The cat runs away from you, so chase it down to the bottom floor. (you can do this just by clicking on the cat two or three times)
  46. It will run towards the Bowl of Milk, drink out of it, and follow you.
  47. Leave the farmhouse and go right. Enter Charlie's Carrot Surplus, which is the third building you see. Talk to the woman. Return her cat and in exchange she gives you a crowbar.
  48. Keep going right and you will get to the abandoned factory. Jump on stuff to get to the roof. While you are jumping you will come by a blue roll of paper sticking out of the wooden planks. Take it. It is the blueprint to the factory vent system and will help you navigate inside.
  49. You will come to something that looks like a sewage outlet on the other side of the building, use the crowbar to open it.
  50. Go inside and you will get a carrot transporter. Cross the opening pipes and elude the rat. Once you have passed by the rat, you are on the factory floor.
  51. Turn on the three switches : the center one goes all the way down, and the outside ones halfway down. This will turn on the lights and start the motion of the overhead crane.
  52. Ride the crane to the entrance to the vents.
  53. Go left as far as possible, riding the airflow from the fans. You will reach the Printing Room. There is a boy there under the influence of some robot rabbit (rabbot) ears. Trick him into turning around and press the blue C between the ears to free him. Get a printout of the computer password from the terminal there.
  54. Go through the vents to reach the processing room. It is all the way up and left, then down. On the way there you will find some pliers. If you enter the Processing Room, you will be intercepted by a flying robot and transported to the Freezer Room. (If you are concerned, you can go there yourself, but it is a long trip to the bottom right in the vent system.)
  55. In the freezer room, click on the little metal box on the wall. It has the wires for the security system. Use the pliers to cut them all.
  56. Go back to the processing room and talk to all of the people with bunny ears on. Release them from their ears and go right, to the door with the camera outside.
  57. Since you are not a drone, the trap door will drop you into the Mixing Room. Get past all of the belt machines, and climb up to the upper part of the room. You will find rabbot bunny ears. Go up the exit.
  58. You will be in the processing room again, this time put on your rabbot ears and go in the door by the camera.
  59. Once inside, talk to the evil Dr. Hare (who is wearing a pink bunny spacesuit). He will tell you to start the launch sequence. Climb up the giant bunny and go to the platform on the right. Free the guy in the eight shirt and click on the computer. Enter the password (fuzzybunny) and the command 'launch rabbot'.
  60. Crash the rabbot into the asteroids four times to destroy it. Climb up the long rope left of the platform and go up. You will find yourself on Main Street, where everyone will be fixing things.
  61. Talk to the mayor and he will give you your Island Medallion. Hooray! You have just completed 24 Carrot Island!

  62. ---------

  63. SOLUTION # 3
  64. Go to the CARROT FARM (far right on main street). Jump up to the top of the blue terraced house. Enter the chimney. Get the empty bowl. Then exit .
  65. Go to CARROT KING DINER. Ask the lady to fill your bowl with milk.
  66. Go back to carrot farm and go down the chimney again. Go up by climbing the broken bulb and wire at your right. Go to the bathroom and turn on any tap of the shower. You will see a cat jump out of the tub. Click on the cat to get it to go downstairs and drink the bowl of milk. It will then follow you. Exit via the chimney.
  67. Then go right and go into CHARLIES CARROT SURPLUS CO. go to the lady that works there and tell her 'I FOUND YOUR CAT '. She will give you a crowbar.
  68. Go right and go to the FACTORY. There is a wall to climb to get to the other side. Jump up til you get the roof and you will see a blue paper sticking out under 'EST. 1830'. Get it. Go right to the edge of the green waters. You will see a wide green pipe. Click on it and use your crowbar to open it. Enter.
  69. Go left and get the Carrot Transporters, then right to jump the flipping platforms. After you have crossed the four platforms, you elude the giant rat and enter the factory floor.
  70. Go left till you see a machine with 'MASTER ENGINE' on it. To activate the power in the room, move the three switches. Pull the middle switch all the way down, and the right and left side switches halfway down.
  71. Go right and climb up . Jump up to the moving red claw, and onto the next platform. Enter the square opening to the Vent System.
  72. Go to the right and to the printer room. To pass the falling crates, jump between sets of crates (two crates fall at a time on the first tube, four at a time on the second, and six on the third tube). Find the drone (kidnapped kid) and fool him into looking away. Release the rabbot ears by pressing the blue C switch on top. The computer will give you the SYSTEM PASSWORD.
  73. Go to the PROCESSING ROOM (far left and down). There are some wire cutters right outside. Once in the room, a flying robot will catch you and you will find yourself in the Freezer Room. (bottom right in the vent system)
  74. Open the 'SECURITY SYSTEM' and cut all 3 wires.
  75. Go back to the processing room and free the 2 robot drones as you did the first one.
  76. Go to the room on the right and you will fall into a trap. Avoid the hazards and climb up the far right to get the rabbot ears. Put them on.
  77. Enter the room, successfully this time. You will see DR. HARE (the villain who is turning all the carrots into rocket fuel for his Giant Space Rabbot, from which he will control the world.
  78. Climb up the giant bunny machine and get to the computer. Free the bunny drone first, and then click on the computer and enter the password (fuzzybunny) and the command 'launch rabbot'. The giant rabbot takes off into space.
  79. Use the joystick to crash him into the meteoroids and destroy the Rabbot. DR .HARE is defeated!
  80. Climb the rope out of factory. Meet the mayor and get your ISLAND MEDALLION.

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