Poptropica Underwater Cave

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Sep 26, 2012  Hey everyone, Mythology Island was fun and I got stuck in a couple of spots. I'm breaking the 'Road To Captain Thinknoodles' up into around 20 minute segments so. Leave the Hydra’s Cave. Back underwater in Poseidon’s realm, there should be a giant clam near the cave that opens and closes with a giant pearl in it. This is one of the items you need to get for Zeus. Get all the oxygen bubbles you can, and eventually, you’ll get to the pearl. Wait for it to open and swim in to take the Giant Pearl.

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Island(s)Mythology Island
Character TypeEnemy

The Hydra is a 5-headed reptilian/amphibious beast in Mythology Island. Its scale is one of the Five Sacred Items.

  • 2Storyline

Characteristics[edit | edit source]

Storyline[edit | edit source]

Role in Mythology Island and Defeat[edit | edit source]

The Hydra is located in its cave, which is an underwater air pocket in the realm of Poseidon. To get there, you must swim through an underwater cavern. When battling the Hydra, each one of its heads will rear back and plunge down towards you. When that happens, jump and land on them. This will knock them out. There are five heads and you must make sure all of them are knocked out. After that, click on it to retrieve its scale.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

  • A Poptropican after stomping on one of Hydra's heads.

  • Hydra after being defeated.

  • One of the Hydra's scales, which is one of the Sacred Items.

Underwater Caverns

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • In Greek Mythology, the Hydra has 9 heads and lives in a swamp, in contrast to the Hydra in Poptropica, which has 5 heads and resides in an underwater cave.
  • It is similar to Cerberus in a few ways. Both are found in Mythology Island, both have multiple heads, and both have to be put to sleep in order to obtain an item from their respective bodies.

Poptropica Mythology Underwater Cave

ItemsBag of Wind | Drachma | Giant Pearl | Golden Apple | Hades' Crown | Hydra's Scale | Island Medallion | Pipe Tune | Pomegranates | Poseidon's Trident | Rare Flower | Reed Pipe | Ring from the Minotaur | Sacred Items Scroll | Starfish | Teleportation Mirror | Whisker from Cerberus
LocationsGarden Of The Sphinx | Grove of Temples | Hades' Realm | Hades' Throne | Hydra's Cave | Labyrinth Entrance | Labyrinth | Main Street | Mount Olympus | Pit of Hades | Poseidon's Beach | Poseidon's Realm | Poseidon's Throne | River Styx | Tree Base | Tree Top | Zeus' Throne
CharactersAeolus | Aphrodite | Apollo | Ares | Artemis | Athena | Cerberus | Charon | Demeter | Hades | Hephaestus | Hera | Hercules | Hestia | Hydra | Medusa | Minotaur | Pan | Poseidon | Scorpion | Sphinx | Styx Crocodile | Titan | Triton | Zeus
ResourcesWritten Guide | Map | Tour

Underwater Cave Pictures

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