Poptropica How To Get Hercules Help

Mythology Island was the twelfth island released on Poptropica. It features the gods from Greek mythology, such as Zeus and Aphrodite. The player meets mythical gods and creatures and must locate five items for Zeus in a quest for immortality. However, Zeus cannot be trusted, as he plans to rule all of Poptropica. Players must use the powers of his brothers and rivals, the gods of the. Poptropica, a virtual world for kids to travel, play games, compete in head-to-head competition, and communicate safely. Kids can also read books, comics, and see movie clips while they play. How To Get To The Underworld On Poptropica? On Poptropica Mythology Island How Do U Find The Pomegranate 2 Place On Hades Alter? How To Beat Mythology Island On Poptropica? How Do You Get Hercules To Help You In Poptropica Mythology Island? How Do You Find The Hydra Scale On Mythology Island For Poptropica? Which bank is offering a learnership now?

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Island(s)Mythology Island
Character TypeFriend

Hercules is the son of the Greek God Zeus and the mortal Alcmene.

  • 2Storyline

Characteristics[edit | edit source]

In the beginning of the island, Hercules only offers to help you by giving you his autographed photo. Later on, when Athena asks you to, you can persuade Hercules to get moving by informing him how he needs to help or Zeus will start ruling poptropica. Hercules says he would help, but he doesn't feel like walking. At that you can whip out the magic mirror Aphrodite gave you and teleport both you and him to the realms of the gods.

Storyline[edit | edit source]

Role In Mythology Island[edit | edit source]

He appears in Mythology Island, signing autographs for 10 Drachmas. He helps you on your quest by using his extreme strength to move a boulder blocking Hades' throne room and pounding on a platform that blocked Poseidon's underwater throne room. He follows you until you reach Mount Olympus, where he sees a snake emerging from the ground, revealed to be Medusa, who turns him into a statue.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

The Hercules sign for autographs in Mythology island.
Hercules signing autographs in Herc's Hero Hut.
  • Hercules after being turned to stone

  • Hercules in Poptropica background

  • Hercules right back

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Hercules is the Roman name for the son of Zeus and Alcmene. The Greek name for Hercules is Heracles. It is possible that his Roman name was used as his Roman name is more widely known.
ItemsBag of Wind | Drachma | Giant Pearl | Golden Apple | Hades' Crown | Hydra's Scale | Island Medallion | Pipe Tune | Pomegranates | Poseidon's Trident | Rare Flower | Reed Pipe | Ring from the Minotaur | Sacred Items Scroll | Starfish | Teleportation Mirror | Whisker from Cerberus
LocationsGarden Of The Sphinx | Grove of Temples | Hades' Realm | Hades' Throne | Hydra's Cave | Labyrinth Entrance | Labyrinth | Main Street | Mount Olympus | Pit of Hades | Poseidon's Beach | Poseidon's Realm | Poseidon's Throne | River Styx | Tree Base | Tree Top | Zeus' Throne
CharactersAeolus | Aphrodite | Apollo | Ares | Artemis | Athena | Cerberus | Charon | Demeter | Hades | Hephaestus | Hera | Hercules | Hestia | Hydra | Medusa | Minotaur | Pan | Poseidon | Scorpion | Sphinx | Styx Crocodile | Titan | Triton | Zeus
ResourcesWritten Guide | Map | Tour
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Special thanks to the PHB.


Arrive on Mythology Island via the Poptropica blimp. Enter the Museum of Olympus (the brown building) and head right until you find the area with the statues. Find Poseidon’s statue and take the pinkStarfish off of it.

Then leave the museum and walk left to the sign labeled “Tree of Immortality.”

Golden Apple

Climb up the large tree until you find a satyr (half-human, half-goat). Because the tree is rather huge, it might take a while to find him, but he’ll be waiting for you. The satyr will tell you that nymphs have stolen his honey and have hidden his honey around the tree. You have 60seconds to race around the tree and collect 10 pots of honey for him.

Once you’ve done that, talk to the satyr again. A new secret path will appear. Climb up on it, and get to the tip of the branch with a golden fruit hanging on it. Pick the fruit off, jump down and grab the Golden Apple – the fruit of the gods.

Zeus’s Offer

The Greek god Zeus will descend from a sky of darkness and speak to you. When he leaves, a scroll will appear in the spot where he was just standing. Reach for the Sacred Items Scroll. Examine it to find out what you need to collect for Zeus and he will say he will give you immortality.

Leave the tree and you will see the goddess Athena. Talk to her, and she will tell you to look to the olive trees for help. Athena will tell you to talk to Hercules, but don’t bother. Hercules won’t help until something happens.

Pipe Tune

Afterwards, go right (past the Museum of Olympus) to the Grove of Temples and enter the temple of Apollo. Move right and take a Reed Pipe. Then jump up and talk to the statue holding a reed pipe – Euterpe, the Muse of music.

She will teach you a song, but you must prove to her that you are a worthy musician. To do that, she’ll play notes on the reed pipe and you must click on the exact same sequence of notes to imitate her. (It is different for every person.) If you are successful, you’ll learn the Pipe Tune which will help to later put Cerberus to sleep.

Drachma and Teleportation Mirror

Jump off the cliff to the right of the temple, and help clean off the graffiti on Hades’ Temple by clicking on the graffiti and scrubbing it clean by swiping with your mouse. Now talk to the kid in front of the temple and he will give you one golden Drachma.

Go inside the Temple of Poseidon and use the starfish from the museum as an offering. Suddenly the door will open. Go inside and go down the beach. There you will find Aphrodite, who will have you guess the names of assorted gods.

For your reference, here’s the list of gods in the order that Aphrodite asks you to guess them in:

  1. Ares
  2. Hermes
  3. Aphrodite
  4. Artemis
  5. Hestia

When that’s done, she gives you a Teleportation Mirror.

Hydra’s Scale

Dive into the water to the left of Aphrodite and go through the underwater maze. Collect bubbles on your way to regain oxygen (if you run out of oxygen, you need to start the maze over). Eventually you should arrive at the entrance of a cave with a sign outside. Enter it and fight the Hydra. To defeat the Hydra, just wait for it to strike, then jump on a head to knock it out.

Do this for every head until they all five are knocked out, then click on the defeated Hydra. You will obtain an item for Zeus’s list – the Hydra’s Scale.

Giant Pearl

Leave the Hydra’s Cave. Back underwater in Poseidon’s realm, there should be a giant clam near the cave that opens and closes with a giant pearl in it. This is one of the items you need to get for Zeus. Get all the oxygen bubbles you can, and eventually, you’ll get to the pearl.

Wait for it to open and swim in to take the Giant Pearl. You will now you have another sacred item.

Rare Flower

Head to the Garden of the Sphinx (left of the Tree of Immortality) and talk to the colorful Sphinx there. In her own mysterious riddle, she lets you know that you may take the flower if you will water it. Activate the aqueducts above the Sphinx by pulling the levers and lower the bridges until the water is flowing all the way down to the rose flower.

Once that’s done, take the Rare Flower and you will have another one of the sacred items Zeus needs.

Don’t forget to jump left above the Sphinx and grab the Pomegranates, which will come in handy later.

Ring from the Minotaur

To the left side of the Garden of the Sphinx is the entrance to the Minotaur’s maze. Play music using your reed pipe to open the door. Match your notes corresponding to the colors numbered in order on the door – blue, blue, green, yellow, yellow, red, blue, green.

Poptropica How To Get Hercules Help

Enter when the door opens, then walk around until you find the Minotaur. Talk to the him ask for his nose ring. He tells you that he only grants favors to those who can make it through the Labyrinth, so you’ll need to make it out of the maze without getting lost! Enter the Labyrinth through the entrance next to the Minotaur.

Upon entering, Athena will give you some magical thread to keep track of your movement. Here’s a map to show how you should navigate through the Minotaur’s maze:

Eventually as you go through the maze, you will run into someone who calls himself Pan. Pan advises you about the pillar next to him with the bones on it. Click on the pillar, which has 15 bones. The riddle tells you to take six bones away and still leave 10. To solve this, remove 6 of the bones so that the remaining bones spell out the word “TEN.” Keep progressing through the maze until you arrive at a poster board with an image of the Minotaur. It is on the wall and is full of holes on it.

Click on that to begin a challenge that will allow the you to access the exit door of the Labyrinth. Sneaky snakes will spring up from the holes, but to complete this challenge you need to click on the fast-moving red-eyed snake three times. Once that’s done, you will be able to exit the maze. Talk to the Minotaur to get another sacred item – Ring from the Minotaur. He will give it to you with a warning.

Whisker from Cerberus

You may have noticed the phrase “These pomegranates are to die for!” around Mythology Island. Well, in a way, they aren’t just talking about how awesome their pomegranate punch is – they’re also giving you a clue.

Head over to the Grove of Temples again and go into the temple of the god of the underworld – Hades, who specializes in deaths.

Poptropica How To Get Hercules Help Lyrics

Use the pomegranates from the Garden of the Sphinx as an offering. The door to the Pit of Hades will open. Enter and jump all the way down the deep, dark zone. You will reappear at the River Styx at the bottom of the pit. You’re on a boat with the ferryman Charon, who can take you across.

When you’re ready, talk to him to begin the dangerous journey through the ominous green lake…

  • Avoid the falling stalactites by moving away from the general direction (left/center/right) they are falling at!
  • Duck away from the flaming skulls by crouching down low so they’ll miss your head!
  • Jump up high when you see a river monster heading towards you to get away from their attack!
  • Don’t use any items from the Poptropica Store, because it slows down movement. (If you’re willing to take that risk, then we recommend using the Minimizer item which makes it easier to avoid obstacles!)
  • Your main objective here is to stay on the boat and not fall into the river, long enough for Charon to have time to take you to the other side. If the game tells you that your soul was claimed by the River Styx, just try again until you succeed!

Once you reach land, use the Pipe Tune song by playing its notes on your reed pipe. For your reference, the order is blue, green, yellow, blue, red, and green. This puts the 3-headed Cerberus to sleep. Click on the restful doggie to obtain a Whisker from Cerberus – the last item you need for Zeus.

Go back to the Tree Base (tip: use your Touchscreen Mirror to teleport around the gods’ kingdoms) and talk to Athena. She will inform you, “I found something out about those items. Take a close look at those clues.” Assemble the five clues attached to the each of the sacred items, and it should form the sentence “Whoever wields the five sacred items will rule all of Poptropica!”

Zeus will appear and steal the sacred items from you. Talk to Athena again, and she urge you to talk to Hercules at Herc’s Hero Hut on Main Street. Inside the hut, to the right, Hercules will be lazily standing around.

Explain what’s going on, and he will finally agree to help. There’s not much time to lose!

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Hercules’ Help

Poptropica How To Get Hercules Help In Poptropica

Use the Touchscreen Mirror to take Hercules to Poseidon’s Realm. Now back in the underwater maze, Hercules will use his mighty foot to strike down a rock, opening up entrance to Poseidon’s palace. Enter Poseidon’s Throne room, and ask the water god Poseidon for his help. You’ll receive Poseidon’s Trident.

Go back to the underwater maze out and speak to Hercules again. Using the mirror, teleport yourselves to Hades’ Realm. Click on the huge stone blocking the doorway to Hades’ throne room, and Hercules will push it away for you with ease. Inside Hades’ throne room, ask the god of the underworld for his help. You’ll get Hades’ Crown.

Go outside again and use the mirror to select the area with the lightning bolt on it. Hercules will use his strong muscles to smash the padlock away from the gate to Mount Olympus.

Now that you can enter, your character will see a little snake on the grass and freak out over it. Thinking it’s no big deal, Hercules will attempt to get rid of it. It turns out to be the furious snake-headed Medusa, who is so angry she turns Hercules into a stone statue. Walk right to the mountainous area and talk to the giant selling bags of wind at Aeolus’ Wind Wagon. Use your drachma to buy a Bag of Wind. Aeolus will give you a wind boost to get you flying higher up so you can reach Zeus’ throne by climbing up a little further.

Zeus: The Final Battle

Inside the dark throne room, walk around and light up all four statues of Zeus by walking up to them. When that happens, Zeus will challenge you to battle.

At this time, your character will use the powers of Hades’ crown and Poseidon’s trident combined. Here are some things you need to know about this final boss fight:

  • When Zeus is throwing his electric round mini-clouds, try to fly around him, or around the screen.
  • When Zeus throws his 8 lightning bolts, retreat and you can pass through the lightning.
  • When he is about to charge at you, get away from him as fast as possible, then return to rapidly shoot at him.
  • If you have only a few pink clouds left, retreat and recollect some pink clouds. If you lose all your pink clouds, you lose the battle. The pink clouds keep you in the air so you don’t fall off from flying around.
  • When Zeus has the white electrify power on him (when he’s throwing the electric miniclouds and/or about to charge) don’t shoot him; your shots will rebound on you.
  • Try not to touch Zeus in the battle, he hurts you in some way if you are too close to him.

When you’ve successfully defeated Zeus, Athena will award you with the Mythology Island Medallion and credits to spend at the Poptropica Store! Congratulations, you have completed the Mythology Island quest!

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