Poptropica God Quiz Answers

Sep 21, 2010  On the beach in the realm of Poseidon, Aphrodite will test your knowledge of the Greek gods and goddesses. The answers are Ares, Hermes, Aphrodite herself, Artemis, and Hestia. Jun 12, 2010  Since I've been getting a lot of this 'mythology gods name poptropica' searches in my blog, I decided to make this post. If you're in problem with the short quiz that Aphrodite will give you in the game, then I suggest that you enter the Museum of Olympus in Main Street first before taking her.

Island Guide - Tips and Tricks!

Welcome to Mythology Island, which debuted on Poptropica in 2010! Take a step back in time to ancient Greece and experience the fury of the Greek gods and goddesses!

Your adventure begins at the Museum of Olympus where a feud has erupted between Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. Find the Tree of Immortality where you'll meet a satyr and learn of his woes after nymphs have hidden his honey from him. In a race against the clock you'll need to help him collect all his honey, after which he'll reveal a new path to lead you to the Golden Apple.

True to form, Zeus will descend offering you immortality in exchange for five sacred items, listed on the Sacred Items Scroll. Are you prepared for this quest!?

POPTROPICA TIP: The Pipe Tune you learn will be used more than once on the island!

From here you'll encounter the most famous of the famous in Greek mythology '– we didn't name it Mythology Island for nothing! First chat with Athena, then make your way to Euterpe, the Muse of Music. Keep on moving through Apollo's temple, past Hades temple, and enter Poseidon's temple. Be prepared for Aphrodite to test your knowledge!

Aphrodite Quiz Poptropica

Poptropica God Quiz Answers

From here you'll need to defeat the five-headed Hydra, collect a giant pearl, water a beautiful flower (don't forget the pomegranates!), and get the ring from the Minotaur.

Poptropica mythology aphrodite

Now you'll venture into the temple of Hades, hand over a delicious offering, and prep for your journey across the River Styx. Collect a whisker from Cerebus and celebrate that you've collected all five items! But your journey doesn't end there...

Need help to complete this island? Check out the official Poptropica walkthrough video above!

Poptropica Mythology Island Aphrodite Quiz

Did You Know: Members who complete Mythology Island get two additional costumes!

Poptropica mythology aphrodite

What God Are You Quiz

Love Mythology Island? Check out the free desktop wallpaper and printable poster!

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