Poptropica Cryptids

You will experience how to be a cryptozoologist in this island. The cryptids you’ll search are very famous specially the Yeti in Himalayas and the Loch Ness monster in Scotland (lake monster). So keep going and let’s start your quest now!

Getting Started

Dec 20, 2010  Cryptids Island Guide. An eccentric billionaire is promising a big reward to whoever can prove the existence of cryptids — hidden creatures. The hunt is on. For walkthroughs on Cryptids Island, scroll down. Video Walkthrough. Written Walkthrough. Exit the room and follow him downstairs. Go to the right and enter the door near an elephant picture. You’ll get inside the cryptids’ museum. Go downstairs and check all the stations of unconfirmed cryptids on your right. There is a confirmed one, which is on the middle part, the Giant Squid.

Poptropica Cryptids
  • When you get into this island, you will be given a Reward Flyer by a guy in front of the post cards section of the General Store building. Check out the flyer for details.
  • Next go all the way to the right and past the mansion of Harold Mews, the one who is funding the hunt for the existence of cryptids.
  • On the first tree you’ll encounter after the mansion there is five dollar bill that you need to get. So jump on the tree to pick it up.
  • Next, return to the General store on your left then buy sports drink and then leave the place.
  • Head your way back to the right to Mew’s mansion till you get on his gardener, give him the sports drink you brought and he’ll give you his gardening shears as a return.
  • Now, go back all the way to the left till you see a woman having trouble with her hang glider. Give her a push to fly up in the air.
  • Jump on the roof top and cut the rope to release the hot air balloon. Now you have your Nylon rope.
  • Go back to Main Street at Kitty’s Kites store. Show your nylon rope and the store owner will give you the Kitesurfer X250.
  • Return to Cliff Park and use your Kitesurfer X250 after the rocks on the left where you saw the glider. Notice the sea lion there.
  • While you do surf gliding, you’ll see Gretchen Grimlock on her motorboat. She will tell you to give up the prize money and will shoot your kite. It will burn up and you’ll get drowned. Luckily Mews helicopter is there to rescue you.
  • You’ll wake up on Harold Mews’ mansion. He will help you on your quest, so better to drink all your medicine located at the side table.
  • Exit the room and follow him downstairs. Go to the right and enter the door near an elephant picture.
  • You’ll get inside the cryptids’ museum. Go downstairs and check all the stations of unconfirmed cryptids on your right. There is a confirmed one, which is on the middle part, the Giant Squid.
  • Exit the room and leave the mansion and go to the right where Mews helicopter is located. This is the beginning of you quest.

Himalayas – Bigfoot, Part 1

  • Climb up the mountain to the right till you see a Sherpa. He’ll be your guide.
  • Next, both of you will climb up the mountain using the rope anchors, but you need to go first and tie the rope onto the metal rings to secure it and then the guide will follow you.
  • When you reach the top, go left and you’ll get on a monastery. Walk to the right and enter the place then walk to the right again and talk to the head monk. He will give you the Unlit Camping lantern.
  • Since you do not have a camera, you’ll have to leave the place first, get into your helicopter and proceed to Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico (Chupacabra)

Poptropica cryptids 2019
  • When you arrived on this place, you’ll see a goat herdsman who is rescuing another hunter sabotaged by Gretchen Grimlock. Go down and talk to him and he’ll let you use his jeep to drive around.
  • When you get into the jeep you have another three stars to visit on the map. The first star on the bottom right corner is your current location.
  • First star on the upper right-you’ll meet the brother of the goat herder and he’ll show you the unidentified fur on his fence on the left side.
  • Second star on map on the upper left corner- you’ll need to climb on top of a hill by jumping on the spring poles on the right to get the boltcutters.
  • Next is the middle star, Snaggletooth Rock. You need to herd three spotted goats on the center as bait to the chupacabra.
  • Go back to your helicopter and return to Mews mansion to do some DNA test on the unidentified fur on its laboratory. You’ll find out that it is a coyote fur and you’ll leave the place to go back to Puerto Rico.
  • This time, the goat herder already set up a trap for the chupacabra.
  • You need to drive on the center star and meet the goat herder. Follow him and hide on the rocks, you’ll hear a thump sound when the chupacabra get caught on his trap.
  • Now you need to push the chained box on the truck, but it will get open and the chupacabra will escape but you’ll see the Chupacabra tooth dropped off the ground. Pick it up and return to Mews mansion and to confirm its existence.

Before you go to New Jersey, pass by on Loch Ness; go to the right at the Pub. Get the matches inside the pub on left side, then head your way to NJ.

New Jersey (Jersey Devil)

  • Go to the right to the restroom past the gas station. Use your bolt cutters to open the garbage bin. You’ll see what’s inside the bin, remove the other garbage and get the Bathroom stall door.
  • Enter the restroom and move to the left and get the other half of the stall door. You’ll the complete bathroom door message. Just take note of the directions:right, left, left, right, right, right, left, and left.
  • Hop on the motorcycle nearby and drive into the woods. Use the directions on the message and when you reached a dead end click look around on the bottom right corner.
  • Use your matches to light your lantern because it’s too dark. Walk to the right and get inside the house.
  • Go upstairs and you’ll hear a sound coming from the attic. Push the small cabinet to the right till the end and then jump over it to reach the attic.
  • Walk to the right and pick up the grappling hook near a barrel where the raccoon is hiding.
  • Leave the attic and go downstairs. As you leave the house, the jersey devil will appear on the window.
  • Go outside the house and you’ll see it again near a tree on left. He’ll fly up.
  • Use your grappling hook to climb up the tree and just get the broken egg shells.
  • Leave the forest and go back to Mews mansion. You’ll do another DNA test and it will prove that the egg shells are from the Jersey devil, another proof of its existence.

Loch Ness (Nessie)

  • You arrived on a dock in here. Go back to the Nessie’s pub. On your way, help the old man whose yellow truck is stuck. He’ll give you his rugged camera.
  • Continue to go to the pub, go to the right and play dart game with the blonde man with blonde mustache.
  • He’ll give you ratty darts and you will start to play.
  • Beat him and you’ll receive Osprey-feathered darts and a rowboat ticket.
  • Leave the pub and go to the left at the dock area.
  • Use your rowboat ticket to have a ride.
  • You’ll see something behind the rocks and you’ll take a photo of Loch Ness monster. Go back to Mews mansion.
  • Unfortunately, Dr. Harold will tell you that you need a close-up photo for proof, so you need to go back to Loch Ness.
  • You’ll return to the dock and confront the boat driver and he’ll run to the right. You go back to the pub and play dart again with the guy in beret cap. This time you’ll have a Submarine ticket if you won.
  • Go back to the port and use your ticket to start your submarine tour.
  • When you get at the bottom of the lake, you’ll see a monster but looks like a fraud. You take a photo and bring this one to the dart players on the pub.
  • The guy with the beret cap proves that the photo is a fake one because that is just a movie prop that sinks to the bottom of the loch.
  • He’ll give you another Peregrine-feathered darts as a souvenir, but as you leave you’ll meet the first guy you beat on the first dart game. He is asking for a rematch and will give you something that will help you for your Nessie’s search if you beat him again.
  • When you win the game, the guy will not give you a prize instead the bartender will give you a Pennywhistle as a prize for your honest game. He says that if you blow it, Nessie will appear.
  • Go back to the dock area and take a ride on the rowboat. Continue to go left past the huge rock where you took your first fake photo.
  • When you reach the next zone, blow your Pennywhistle and Nessie the real Loch monster will appear next to you.
  • Take a photo and it will submerge on water. Go back to right to your helicopter and return again to Mews mansion.
  • Dr. Harold will confirm that is the best photo of Nessie. You just confirmed another cryptid’s existence.

Himalays (Big Foot) Part 2

  • Go back to Himalayas Mountain, meet the Sherpa again and climb the mountain up to the monastery.
  • Outside the monastery, climb the mountain on left.
  • You’ll meet another monk who’ll challenge you on a little game.
  • When you beat him you can go further on top of the mountains and you will see a footprint near the trees and you’ll take a photo of snow track.
  • Go down the mountain and go to your helicopter to return to the mansion.
  • Dr. Harold says that the photo is just a snowshoe print. Also he received a report that Bigfoot was in the Pacific Northwest, and that location has been added to your helicopter computer.
  • When you ride the helicopter and choose Pacific Northwest, you will sight Bigfoot running on the ground hiding on trees. You need to keep him on view to find out where on those caves he lives. (this will take one to three minutes)
  • When he enters the cave, you will report to Dr. Harold Mews but Gretchen has bugged your helicopter’s communication system and will arrive using her own helicopter to capture Bigfoot.
  • You need to chase and get close to hers and then jump on her helicopter and open the gas tank to spill out the fuel.
  • Next, jump on the cage and use you’re gardening shears to cut the rope and you’ll go down using the cage’s parachute.

Finale – Getting the Reward

  • You’ll re-appear on Mews mansion. You already confirmed Bigfoot’s existence. Dr. Harold plan to buy the land around Bigfoot for a safe habitat but he don’t have enough fortune anymore because of the million dollar reward.
  • So you turn down the million bucks to accomplish Dr. Harold’s plan to Bigfoot.
  • And then, finally he’ll give you the island medallion for being a generous person!

Congratulations! You beat Cryptids Island!

Poptropica Cryptids

5 Dollar! 5 Dollar Sports Drink!

When you land on Cryptids Island start walking to the right. (BTW: The Common Room is the Bead & Breakfast) The man with a soccer ball will give you a flyer and you should read it just to know what’s going on. Keep going right and past some houses owned by very rich people. If you talk to the islanders along your way, it might help you understand what’s going on. Anyway, once you pass house number 33 get the $5 that’s stuck in the tree to the right. Now go back to Main Street, into the General Store, and buy the only thing in the store that is $5. A sports drink.

Then go to the right, back to all those houses and give your drink to the thirsty gardener. After that he’ll give you his shears while he takes a well deserved break. For fun, you can use the shears to trim the shape of your choosing in the bush next to you! However the lady there threatens to sue you. Oh well! I still created a master piece! Look I made my name! SD!

The Feeling of Flight

Now go way to the left, past Main Street, where you’ll see a bunch of adventurers taking off to find proof of a cryptid. Talk to the woman with the hang glider and help her lift off! Then help the boy in the hot air balloon by using the shears to cut his rope. (If for some reason the balloon doesn’t float up, try it again or just try moving around/getting inside the balloon.) By doing that you get the rope, which is very strong.

Next, head over to the Kite Store on Main Street. Talk to the woman working there, use the rope, and you’ll ask if the rope you got is strong enough for the Kite-surfer X250. (If you went here before, she wouldn’t let you rent the K-S X250 because she was out of the really strong rope it needed) You then get the awesome kite! Head back to the left. You are now an adventurer searching for cryptid proof! Go all the way to the left and try out your new rented kite! What could go wrong?

You don’t really have to do anything at this part, just ride the waves. Oh! But I was wrong… something could go wrong. This is where you meet… Gretchen Grimlock! She will stop at nothing to win the grand prize! So she sinks you. Thankfully someone very important saves you.

Mr. Mews

You wake up in a strange bed and you start to talk with Mr. Mews. Once he leaves click the water to make yourself feel all better. Then go find him. Go through the door to the bottom right, once your out of the room you were in. Then go down the stairs and to the right. He doesn’t seem to be in there yet, so just click play on each station to see what you’re going to be up against. If you get bored of learning stuff, just click close in each video. All together you can learn about Big Foot/Yeti, The Giant Squid, The Jersey Devil, The Chupacabra, and The Loch Ness Monster/Nessie. If you notice, the only proven cryptid is the Giant Squid. Believe it or not, it’s the same way in real life! The Giant Squid isreal. The Mr. Mews suddenly comes in. Talk to him, you’ll accept his challenge, and he gives you his private helicopter to use. Off we go!

Loch Ness Part 1

Find the helicopter and fly to Loch Ness, since it’s the first place on the list. Go to the right and talk to the man next to a huge truck. He tells you the truck is stuck. Click the left tire, click & hold the valve to let some of the air out and he is good to go! For your good deed he gives you a camera. You’ll need it for many tasks. Next go right to the pub. Don’t forget to grab the matches on the counter. Talk to the men to the left and play one of them for a boat ride ticket. It’s tricky at first because of your terrible darts, but just try your best! Click and drag the dart back to aim and throw.

Now that you have that ticket, go take a rowboat ride! Once you are out on the lake Nessie appears! But it’s kind of hard to see and you aren’t aloud to get closer. So take a picture with your new camera.

Mews’ Mansion Part 1

Since you have “proof” go back to Mews’ Mansion and go show Mr. Mews! When you get there he is in the lab. *sigh* You were tricked. Go back to Loch Ness to find better proof. Let’s try a submarine view. Go to the pub and play darts again to win a submarine ticket.

Loch Ness Part 2

When you’re at the pub you challenge one of the remaining guys for his ticket. Good luck! It should be a little easier to aim this time. Now time to go driving in the deep blue! Head to the submarine and use your ticket. You get to control the sub! Cool! Steer it down to the lower left. Once you see the Nessie looking creature take a picture! Head back to the pub to show the guys the picture.

Sadly, you were tricked yet again. The newspaper clipping on the wall says it all. At least you get some new darts. You should leave I guess. *sigh* But wait! That man you beat stops you! He wants a rematch and you’ll give it to him! Plus your new darts will make it a lot easier to aim. But after you win the man doesn’t give you the promised reward! What a ripoff! Thankfully the bartender is nice and gives you a penny whistle that supposedly attracts Nessie. Maybe this will actually work. Go back to the rowboat, use your ticket, and see what happens. After the man leaves go left… twice.

Now that you’re out really far, use the whistle. And… and… it’s Nessie! For real this time! Take a picture and leave before Nessie gets mad. Now that you have real proof, head back to Mr. Mews. (Nessie might be a little scarey for young players, but it’s not that bad)


On second thought, don’t go back to Mews just yet! You’ll see why in a minute. It just saves you time. Once you’re there climb up the mountains to the left middle-ish. Talk to the man there and he’ll help you up the mountain. In this part you have to run and click the next ring so you can get safely up without falling. Then your guide will go, then you, ect. But try to time it right because the winds are strong.

After you get to the top, climb to the top of the building to the left. (I know, a lot of climbing and jumping. ) Talk to the monk and beat him at a game. The instructions are explained. Good luck! Before you “pass” go inside the building and talk to the monk by the Yeti scalp. He will give you a lantern. Then use the matches from Loch Ness to light it! Time to climb more! Go up and to the left as far as you can and take the picture of the Yeti footprint. NOW we can go back to Mews.

Mews’ Mansion Part 2

Show Mews the Nessie photo first. He approves of it. That’s one done! But the Bigfoot print is a fake and he doesn’t think the monks are worth revisiting right now. So let’s go to the next stop! Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico Part 1

Looks like someone crash landed. Anyway, talk to the man that helped the crashed kid. He’ll let you borrow his jeep, but you have to deliver some seeds. Drive the jeep up (north). You automatically give the seeds to the guy’s brother when you arrive. Then walk to your left until you find the fur in the fence. Since you have that, it’s time to go back to Mews. Again. (You better get use to going back and forth!)

Mews’ Mansion Part 3

This time he doesn’t turn your evidence down right away! Yay! But you have to identify the DNA on the fur to see if it is real. The instructions are all there, but I’ll help you with them here too. Careful not to spill!

  1. Put Sample into Beaker. (The fur into cup with light blue liquid)
  2. Pour Enzyme 32 into Beaker. (The tall vial at the top with red liquid into what is now filled with yellow at the bottom)
  3. Pour Lab Gel (Not Hair Gel!) into Lab Tray. (Round cup with yellow liquid into tray at the bottom)
  4. Pour Beaker into Lab Tray. (The orange liquid to the tray)
  5. Place Nylon Membrane in Lab Tray. (Use the long piece with yellow)
  6. Pour Probes into Lab Tray. (The big cup with pink liquid into the tray)
  7. Place X-Ray Film in Lab Tray. (Use the long piece with blue)
  8. Place X-Ray Film in the Developer. (Take what is in the tray and put it in the printer looking device)
  9. Press the Develop Button on the Developer. (The square green button)

Congrats on finishing that! However instead of a prize, you get to know that it was just coyote fur. *sigh* Go back to Puerto Rico I guess.

Puerto Rico Part 2

When you get back the man there has had enough! He is going to trap the Cupacabra! Yikes! Time to get into the jeep again. What you want to do is chase 3 spotted goats to the center star on your map. (If you talk to the people around Puerto Rico you learn that the Cupacabra is attracted to them the most) It’s kind of tricky, so just try your best.

Now go to that middle star yourself. The man there has set a trap so all you need to do is hide. (Those poor, cute goats!) Anyway follow the man behind the rock to hide. You hear a noise!


Start to push the crate into the truck. AHHHH! He breaks out! That is one uglyscarey dog! At least he dropped a tooth! Before you take it back to Mews, go to the star in the upper left of your map. (Yay! The goats are okay!)

Go to the right and climb the sticks like trampolines to the top. At the top pick up the bolt cutters. To save time again, go to New Jersey before heading back to Mews.

New Jersey Part 1

Time to pick up a New Jersey accent! (Seriously, it’s fun) Run to your right and use the bolt cutters on the locked dumpster. Move the trash away to find a message on a bathroom stall door. Gross. Since it looks like a stall door, go into the bathroom there. (Don’t worry, it’s for males and females!) Inside there is a man, which is kind of weird since I’m a girl. Anyway, pass him and complete the weird door message. You write it down so you don’t have to carry those things around.

Now go to your right and ride that motorcycle. (I thought we were heroes, not thieves! Oh well.) Follow the directions on your message which is in the top right corner. Once your there click look around, then go through the gate there and into the old house. (You got your lantern from the monks, remember?) Anyway go upstairs and you hear a thumping noise. Push the dresser all the way to the left and go up. Go right and look at t-t-the barrel. It’s… it’s… it’s… just a raccoon. Phew! Grab the grappling hook by the barrel.


Start heading back out. Down the stairs an- AHHH! Look at the window! It’s the Jersey Devil! (I seriously screamed this time ) It’s really creepy…

Okay, okay. Brave up and go outside. The Jersey Devil flies away. (Thank goodness!) Now use your grappling hook to climb the tree right where the monster flew away. When you get to the nest at the top you get some cracked eggs! And they’re Jersey Devil eggs! Cool! Wait… gross! But still cool.

Now we can go back to Mr. Mews. (Just click back to start when on the motorcycle) Looks like we have proof of ALL the cryptids too! There isn’t anywhere else to go! Yay!

Mews’ Mansion Part 4

When you show him the tooth, he likes it! That’s confirmed. But with the egg shells, you have to run that test again. But the steps are the same at least. After that you’re done! Oh… but wait… you have to find Big Foot proof too, that’s right. The new location as been added to the chopper since you can get the Yeti scalp from the monks. GO GO GO!

Big Foot Chase

When you go to the Pacific Northwest you have to keep Big Foot in view. This is tricky, so good luck. After that Gretchen Grimlock comes back! You then have to chase her helicopter. When you catch her jump onto her chopper, but don’t fall off and don’t hit the blades! Click the gas tank so she’ll go down. But we have to save Big Foot! Go down to his cage and use the gardening shears from way back at the beginning of the island to cut the rope. Luckily you have a parachute.

Poptropica Cryptids Island New Jersey Motorcycle

You end up back at Mews’ Mansion and you start talking to Mr. Mews. Since we aren’t Greedy like Gretchen we give up the million dollar reward so Mews can build a Big Foot reserve. But he does… give you a medal! You beat Cryptids Island! Congrats!

Poptropica Cryptids Bigfoot

Written By: Spotted Dragon

Poptropica Cryptids Yeti

Illustrated By: Spotted Dragon

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